British football authorities charge man over "choc ice" comment
Must not allude to skin color?

Mr Ferdinand
MANCHESTER United star Rio Ferdinand has been charged by the Football Association over his "choc-ice" Tweet.
Following the recent John Terry racism trial, in which Chelsea and England defender Terry was acquitted of racially abusing Ferdinand's younger brother Anton, Rio responded to a Tweet that described Chelsea defender and defence witness Ashley Cole as a "choc-ice".
The term is commonly understood to mean "black on the outside, white on the inside".
It was a reference to Cole's testimony in court, in which he said he never heard Terry make a racist remark to Anton Ferdinand during the match in question, between Queens Park Rangers and Chelsea, at Loftus Road last October.
"The FA has today charged Manchester United's Rio Ferdinand with improper conduct in relation to comments posted on Twitter," said an FA statement.
"The allegation is that the player acted in a way which was improper and/or brought the game into disrepute by making comments which included a reference to ethnic origin and/or colour and/or race."
Terry was found not guilty earlier this month after a five-day trial at Westminster Magistrates Court but the FA has since charged Terry in relation to the same case.
I guess the brits don't have double jeopardy.
It's not double jeopardy but the left imposing double standards.
The FA is a corporation and have every right to protect their interests. These footballers are a dime-a-dozen;
Free Speech no longer exists under the european soviet union
Personally, i get much joy watching the "British Lion" drowning in it's own politically correct juices. This is what happens when an "allegedly" once-great empire turns into the worlds "ultimate nanny state". It is in fact, a dying nation.
Besides, any nation with a history of sending it's fighters into battle wearing bright red coats should have never lasted this long.
Ever since I was a child, I've always had a fear of someone under my bed at night. So I went to a shrink and told him 'I've got problems. Every time I go to bed I think there's somebody under it. I'm scared. I think I'm going crazy.'
'Just put yourself in my hands for one year,' said the shrink.
'Come talk to me three times a week and we should be able to get rid of those fears'.
'How much do you charge?'
'Eighty dollars per visit,' replied the doctor.
'I'll think about it,' I said.
Six months later, I met the doctor on the street.
'Why didn't you come to see me about those fears you were having?' he asked.
'Well, Eighty bucks a visit three times a week for a year is an awful lot of money! A bartender cured me for $10.
I was so happy to have saved all that money that I bought me a new pickup!'
'Is that so!' With a bit of an attitude he said, 'and how,may I ask, did a bartender cure you?'
'He told me to cut the legs off the bed! -
Ain't nobody under there now!!!'
1:53 AM is just a xenophobe or britophobe. Why doesn't he condemn his own country for inventing PC-idiocy in the first place, and while all the other examples here about it go on in the good old US of Amnesia?!
As for the red-coats, it still didn't stop the British Empire being the biggest in world history, and as an american you should be impressed by anything "big" (freudian much?!).
... impressed or envious! (yep sour grapes again!)
3:22 then it shrunk to below normal size and is sub-par now. how pre-dick-table
Anon 4:59, Brits love talking about "male parts". That's one of the reasons the country's filled with effeminate pansys. The females are far more manly than the males, albeit a lot more ugly.
We've reached the point where they're not even worth takling about any more.
Good riddance.
What stupid puerile people comment here. As for the 14 year-old rapist reflecting a sick society - how ironic so soon after a 24 year-old Yank randomly shoots people in a movie theater. As for Britain losing its empire that had much to do with going bankrupt standing up to Hitler (for some time all alone) and having to pay the Yanks for any surplus material they would deign to spare, even tho' it was serving American interests.
3:42 PM's comment is especially moronic!
4:29, hard to believe you're comparing the two. One is the UK's idea of justice, the other is a madman (could exist in any society)
5:19, yeah the same people who wrote the most impressive document of all time - the US Constitution (and stomped the oppressive British)
Our founding fathers were
1 White
2. Gun owning
3. Rich
4. Straight
5. Men
6. That were Christians for the most part.
deal with it. Tell me one significant document written by Atheists that have helped humankind as much.
"same people who wrote the most impressive document of all time - the US Constitution"
They are all dead. Try again, sport. This time use examples in this century.
8:43, why? wow you must really hate whites.
Don't associate with blacks, don't talk to blacks, don't be near blacks if you can avoid it. Anything you say or express may be taken the wrong way and ruin your career. Even if the ethnic person you are talking to is easy going, someone within earshot or view may not be. It is sad that PCishness would cause the separation of the races, but it is survival. Associate and you risk ruin.
8:09 : the UK example concerned a 14 year-old having some inappropriate sexual activity with an even younger child. So is your solution to lock up a very young teenager just to learn how to be a real criminal from the types he'll be confined with?
5:19 : you forgot point "7", they were also British or of British extraction and took their enlightened ideas from the Scottish and European Enlightenment movements (which rather contradicts your initial ignorant remark) !!
12:54 PM your comment is just a ridiculous "strawman". Rape or molesting by a 14 year-old wasn't being justified or the way it was dealt with by the authorities, it was pointing out how poorly and ironically it compared with random mass murder and injuries by an older youth in a US movie theater.
12:55 Then you can't make such a distinction between the British colonists in America and the British back in the British Isles.
3:06 and neither can you, we're all just British subjects eh? so the British are responsible for all this 'american' oppression and slavery. Thought so.
3:06 and neither can you when talking about Americans eh? but obviously we ACTED on those ideas where the British acted on old fashioned king and queen politics, oppressing the whole world along with Spain. We Americans are founded on nothing similar to England except our language.
4:07/11:50 - of course you want to think of yourselves as special and separate from that which your ancestors came, but the United States evolved directly from the British colonies there and the people who lived there. Some never supported the independence movement (and suffered the consequences), while back in Britain many did support it and were opposed to the government of the time in a similar way (do you think Queen Elizabeth today has the same powers as British monarchs in the past - of course parliamentary democracy has evolved in a parallel way to the US).
You mention slavery, but despite the high-sounding words of the US Constitution, slavery was continued in the United States until the 1860s, but was abolished in the British Empire in the 1830's
Yes, you still don't mind using the British people's language and the British culture as your foundation culture, but if you don't like it, feel free to use those of the Hispanics' or the "indian" tribes that your ancestors subjugated so well (assuming your own ancestors didn't just arrive in the US in late 19th or early 20th century from some backward part of the globe).
Sorry, but I think racists statements are free speech. Not because I like them or use them but because I want to know how people really feel.
I never want to suppress anybody’s free speech and certainly don’t want people censoring themselves for fear of offending the PC police.
We need MORE speech not less. Let people say what they want, even if it’s hateful and demeaning or even violent.
I WANT to hear it. I WANT to see it. I WANT to know what you really think and believe. How else are we going to be able to call you out?
Be honest about who you are and what you believe. If you think you are in the right, express you views.
I would never want to take away anybody’s right to be an asshole!
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