Another faked "hate crime"
The lesbian concerned is pictured below. Not hard to see hormones gone wrong. In my observations, lesbians and mannish women generally are often overconfident of their own abilities. The highlighted section below would seem evidence of that

A Nebraska woman who claimed she was the victim of a horrific hate crime in July and subsequently charged with making false claims to police pleaded not guilty to the misdemeanor charge Tuesday.
Police in Lincoln, Neb., who spent weeks investigating the case, arrested Charlie Rogers Tuesday for making a false report. Lancaster County Attorney Joe Kelly said a judge issued the warrant for her arrest earlier Tuesday.
Rogers told police three men wearing black ski masks broke into her home during the early morning hours on July 22, bound her wrists and ankles with zip ties, beat her and carved anti-gay slurs into her arms and abdomen.
Police said they interviewed Rogers on four separate occasions. Because of inconsistencies in her various accounts of the attack and forensic DNA evidence, a warrant was issued for her arrest.
Also puzzling was that Rogers wrote on Facebook on July 18 what they believe is a motive for faking the attack, according to The Associated Press: "So maybe I am too idealistic, but I believe way deep inside me that we can make things better for everyone. I will be a catalyst. I will do what it takes. I will. Watch me."
There was no apparent struggle in the room where Rogers, a former University of Nebraska basketball star, said she was attacked on her bed, the warrant for her arrest says, which also described the bedspread as appearing “neat” and “evenly placed on the bed.”
“There was no apparent blood on the bedspread; even though Ms. Rogers reported she was rolled on to her stomach after she had been cut on her arms, abdomen, chest and front legs while being held down.”
Additionally, the FBI sent photos of the cuts on Rogers to a coroner’s physician for Lancaster County, who consulted with Dr. Michelle Elieff, a forensic pathologist. According to the warrant, Elieff said Rogers’ cuts appeared to be self-inflicted.
Just how many Hate Crimes have been faked anyway?
It would have been a shame if she had a gun and shot up the Good Christians of the WBC protesting at some funeral. Why can't these whack-jobs actually do some good?
"It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it."
When your "enemy" isn't actually committing the crimes you think they should be, commit them yourself!
And the left is supposed to be the intelligent side of the aisle?
It seems to me that this kind of garbage is yet another reason to resist their demands.
"And the left is supposed to be the intelligent side of the aisle?"
That's the fallacy they promote, one they'd wish the world to believe. You can not be an elitist unless you convince people you know more, and better, than everyone else. It simply proves the Left is made up of nothing but lies.
Question: Since lesbians hate men, why is it they dress, look, act, talk, and do everything they can, to be just like men?
"Since lesbians hate men, why is it they dress, look, act, talk, and do everything they can, to be just like men?"
Because they and their male counterparts are an abomination in the eyes of the Lord. I bet God would like a do-over.
"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery..." -- Winston Churchill
Mannish women? - women without the usual makeup do of course look more like men, that is why they wear makeup to look different and supposedly more alluring, and some of course go so far as to look like drag-queens (which in turn are emulating or satirizing women or divas).
Most species have males and females looking remarkably different to each other, but Nature (God?) thought to make the human genders very similar apart from the external genitalia and mammory glands (although the older the humans get the more and more they resemble each other - males with breasts and women with moustaches!).
So why do Christians whine all the time about being victims even when they are supposedly a majority, just because a few people dare to criticize or question the unjustified social and financial privileges that they still enjoy and try to deny to others.
I wonder if Jon can see the IP Address that comments are posted from. I suspect that comparing the address of 3:18 (and similar "conservative hate" style comments) with our regular leftist trolls would produce interesting results.
LOL. Luke, but then you respond to trolls. The trolls own you and this blog, buddy boy!
Ignorant athiests like annon 4:41 are sure signs their minds are so far gone that have none at all
Says Kee-bird with a bird-brain that cannot produce a sensible rebuttal.
The "Birds" are actually badly written Artificial Intelligence programs that do not use spelling or grammar checkers.
Annon 2:08 cant think like all liberals with no minds
Sadly, nowadays when I see stories like this one my first thought is 'fake'.
I guess there are probably still some real ones - but many are staged.
It is too bad that the Republican Party has been hijacked by right wing extremists and fundamentalists.
A Mormon who might be the next so-called Leader of the "Free World" : with all the Mormon crazy views on "Reality"-?? God help the world! Maybe he's going to be this "Anti-Christ" who'll bring on Armageddon and the "end of the world" - which is what such religious idiots want anyways!
"I see stories like this one my first thought is 'fake'."
Your wife told me she fakes it with you.
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