NBC forced to apologise after ill-timed ad features a monkey doing gymnastics - right after showing Gabby Douglas' gold medal victory
This just illustrates that nobody is safe from the "sensitive" tyrants of the Left. You never know when you might goof

NBC has become the centre of a race storm after airing an ad featuring a monkey performing gymnastics, right after showing the performance of Gabby Douglas, the first African-American to win Olympic gold.
The network has since apologised for the advert's poor timing, explaining: 'No offense was intended.'
The controversy ignited as sportscaster Bob Costas wrapped his analysis of her incredible routine during the all-around competition last night.
Costas said: 'There are some African American girls out there who tonight are saying to themselves: "Hey, I’d like to try that too." More from London in a moment.'
The broadcast then went to a commercial break, showing an advertisement featuring a monkey wearing a gymnastics uniform and performing a rings gymnastics event.
The unintentional, but poorly-timed ad was for Animal Practice, an upcoming NBC sitcom.
'Disgusted at NBC for showing Animal Practice with monkey right after Gabby wins her gold,' one user posted.
NBC is a sad unprofessional twisted organization, but in this case I think it was an honest mistake rather than purposeful racism. Actually, in a post racial society, no one should think anything of it. Unfortunately the west has developed into a hyper racial sensitive society. I bet someone probably lost their job over this one. It is best not to say anything at all about Olympic gymnastics. There is no telling when some innocent remark or reference will cost you your career, simply because of the hyper sensitivity about the gold medal winner’s quantity of melatonin and ancestry. Pretend it doesn’t exist, or just fake a polite smile and move on to something else (be careful about what you change the subject to that might also be seen as racist).
Yes, it was obviously a mistake. Not an honest one, just a stupid one. No media organization so dedicated to all things Left, as is NBC, would have done that intentionally. No matter. The public has finally caught onto the leftist media outlets such as NBC, ABC, CBS, and CNN, which is why they are all dying. And, it's about time.
The Peacocks humiliation It good be better
Just another example of people gleefully finding something about which they can be offended.
Side note: in the source article it states some commented negatively on Gabby's hair style. How shallow does a person have to be to watch a world class athlete perform, and have as their only concern her hair style? Did they even notice the performance? Probably not.
They actually apologized for nothing? Unbelievable. It is amazing how thin skinned and shallow liberals are, including most blacks and minorities. They find offense in any little thing, whether it be an ill-timed commercial, to Chick-fil-A's CEO's answer to a question on Christian radio about gay marriage, or just about any other topic. And what makes it worse is facebook and twitter, which have become a poision to society. And people are so stupid and gullible these days, they don't take time to think and just react with outrage to every little story that someone tells them is bad.
It's just so sad and pathetic.
I've seen a few of these commercials and apparently the monkey is a main character. Monkeys swing from trees. They don't shoot arrows, play soccer, or perform high dives. Of course the only Olympic sport that makes sense for a monkey to perform is men's rings. I saw the commercial and all I thought was the monkey was cute and the show won't last.
My guess is they've canned the commercial with the monkey playing basketball.
Nice Gold Medal Very nice Gold Medal
Cute! - racist americans here confused about repeating insults about "blacks" and seeing some of them promoting the US as olympic medal-winners!
2:20, you're a racist yourself.
people are a bit too sensitive. what has a monkey to do with any person? grow up lefties.
Annon 2:20 your a typical liberal shoot off your mouth without the use of your brain
I love the fact that NBC, a very liberal media company has run afoul of their own political correctness. Excellent!
Yeah annon 10:30 I also like seeing the liberal PC news media get themselves in a mess
Apologies are not enough! This issue will not be resolved until they give Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson at least $1 million each!
Jackson,Sharpton and Farakhan all need to leave the USA and Never Coime Back
Is this a "Hitch/cock" style bird-takeover of the site with their bird-brain comments? (Kee, Flu, Jub, Paradise) - are they all from the same nest, or the same clone?
6:45 AM : your comment is dumb, even more so if you think the US is a race!
Exactly how did NBC know in advance that she was going to win the gold medal? Advertisements are planned well in advance.
When you add more and more rules/laws etc that apply only to some people and situations the likelihood you will inadvertently violate one of them increases exponentially as the number of those rules/laws increases.
NBC was obviously guilty of bad timing for showing that advertisement right then but they are still guilty for having help promulgate those rules/laws in the first place.
The short version: They are guilty because they helped set it up that way.
TheOldMan said, "
Exactly how did NBC know in advance that she was going to win the gold medal? Advertisements are planned well in advance."
When NBC airs the coverage 6 hour tape delayed, they have plenty of time to screen for things like this.
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