Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Homosexual hate speech in Australia too

Dan Cathy and Chick-fil-A are not alone as targets for hate

In Australia, some same-sex marriage activists made loud calls in June for a boycott of coffee chain Gloria Jeans following news that the company gave $30,000 to the Australian Christian Lobby.

NSW Council of Churches President, the Revd Dr Ross Clifford, said it was regrettable that globally some public officials and others felt obliged to take extreme measures to support same-sex marriage and stifle public debate.

“We support freedom of speech. We want a reasoned, civil debate about marriage without the threat of punitive action by those who happen to disagree with us,” Dr Clifford said.

“We sense the need to warn churches and businesses led by Christians of the likely intensification of opposition to Christian values as same-sex marriage activists see their public support slipping away.”

“Extreme statements and actions by advocates of same-sex marriage, along with a growing awareness of the dangers of their radical social experiment, only serve to weaken their case and turn public opinion against them.”

“Australian church leaders have been unjustly accused of homophobia, bigotry. Virtually every week the ABC program QandA features one or more questions on gay marriage, even when the theme has nothing to do with marriage, as we saw last Monday when the program focused on sport and the Olympics,” Dr Clifford said.



Bird of Paradise said...

I hope Glory Jeans sees a increase in buisness and someone tells the gay freakos to GO POUND SAND

Anonymous said...

“Australian church leaders have been unjustly accused of homophobia, bigotry"

That's part of their job description. Throw in a bit a pedophilia and that completes it.

Anonymous said...

I only see an exchange of views there (in Australia), and nobody's rights of free speech being infringed.

Anonymous said...

Children only know what their elders tell them - which is often a load of BS!

Anonymous said...

7:00 any scientist or doctor will tell you that the anus isn't meant for penetration, that's a fact.

Robert Hagedorn said...

Should the anus be used as a sex organ? Google First Scandal. When you get there, go to the top of the page and click on "Can you explain..." Please note: this website you reach will be deleted on November 1, 2012.

Anonymous said...

So, we have yet another example of zero tolerance from radical gay activists, the same ones who "demand" total tolerance from everyone. Someday, society will realize what a blessing AIDS truly was.

Anonymous said...

No one is outraged when people donate to pro-gay causes.
Why the outrage at donations to pro-family causes? Because one side wants to remove the right of people to disagree with them...

Anonymous said...

8:46 AM - you talk about what a part of the body is "meant" for - says who? Humans are constantly finding new ways to use their bodies and parts of their bodies, that "Nature" never evolved them for originally - so what! Humans have gone beyond "Nature". If you don't like it, refuse all invasive surgery or treatment as Nature never intended you to have it!

Anonymous said...

3:11, science trumps you. The "Ram"ifications of anal sex are horrendous on the health scale.

Anonymous said...

3:11, science trumps you.

It's funny that 3:11 uses science as an argument. We ALL know that belief in a deity always trumps science. So, praying works better than any scientific so-called cure. A TV preacher said so.

Anonymous said...

6:48 there is nothing wrong with science as long as politics don't get in the way, remember there were nazi and soviet scientists.

Anonymous said...

Yeah - and who banned scientific research into science (medicine, astronomy, etc.) - yes the Christian Church.

Anonymous said...

3:40 you're wrong, in fact many great scientists were Christians.

Anonymous said...

3:40 look at any survey and see that America the country with the most scientific advances since civilization has began is 90percent Christian. So much for Christians hating science or stopping it. Pwnage.

Anonymous said...

Oh get real! - of course a society which claims all its citizens as Christians (ditto Muslims) will claim whoever discovered anything - even despite their earlier persecutions of scientific investigations - will want to claim it as a "win" for their religion - such amazing but not so surprizing hypocrasy on the part of religions everywhere!

Use the Name, Luke said...

11:09 & 11:12,

Our aggressive atheist troll has had those facts pointed out to him many, many, MANY times before. He just doesn't care about the truth. You could even give him examples of current Christian scientists doing better work than non-Christians, and he would either find some way to say something insulting about them or pretend they don't matter or exist.

I pity him because someday he will know the truth. Unfortunately, it probably won't be until it's too late.

Anonymous said...

Luke thinks there is just one "aggressive atheist troll", whereas there are several here opposing his own "aggressive" and very presumptuous opinion that he has more rights to promote his dubious religion and to dismiss all counter-arguments as coming from a "troll". But no surprise, as so-called Christians have to believe in the "Emperor's Clothes" or their whole world would fall apart into the non-sense it is!

Anonymous said...

Why do "Christians" like this in-house pontificator called Luke, on sites like this, often end their remarks with an open or implied threat - that their sky-daddy will come and punish those that disagree with theism. It's as childish as saying your dad or big brother will come and beat up the boys you challenge you, and is very cowardly (and I note that Luke needs implied support from 11:09 & 11:12 before he insults a single assumed atheist).