'Naughty and nice: Australian newspaper sparks potential diplomatic storm by rebranding the Koreas
It's "racist" to disapprove of Communism?? Whether in the North or the South, Koreans are all the same race. It is just their governmental systems that differ. Racism has become a meaningless slur that Leftists just trot out in a sort of kneejerk reaction to anything they dislike

An Australian newspaper has sparked a potential diplomatic storm by rebranding North and South Korea 'Naughty' and 'Nice'.
The Brisbane Metro sneaked the joke into their coverage of the Olympics, where it featured on a medal table, charting the progress of nations competing at London 2012.
The 'rebranding' has attracted a wave of interest and is trending on Twitter, where some users have accused the newspaper of 'racism'.
Many readers considered the joke harmless fun, including Craig Le Grice, who tweeted: 'This is hilarious, if slightly political.'
While other Twitter users down under were upset about the xenophobic undertones. Leighb83 wrote: 'Yeah calling N & S Korea, Naughty Korea and Nice Korea is fine. As long as its fine for them to refer to us as the Dumb, Drunk, Racists.'
The aussie news papers are no diffrent then our onw liberal news rags espeicaly they way they treat conservatives in their news rags
Well if all these liberal "do-gooders" knew what they were talking about they would have known that the the naughty Korea already had a fit for being called North Korea. They want their official (not to mention deceptive) name of The "Democratic People's Republic of Korea." The nice Korea is meant to be The "Republic of Korea"
They keep on saying that word. I do not think it means what they think it means.
"Beware of those who cry rasism, for they are the true racists..."
Well spoken anon 2:24 JESSIE JACKSON,AL SHARPTON and CALYPSO LOUIE and racsis themselves
I love that movie Daniel.... Bird of Paradise, are you drunk? Your typing is terrible and your comment made it obvious you didn't comprehend the story.
2:24 - Just another right wing slogan.
The left have three excuses/attacks. They start with Racism, then it's the "rich", then it's Global Warming. For every bad thing that happens is either the fault of racism, rich people, or their death cult religion of Global Warming. Praise be President Bobo, Peace be upon him.
How can one be "racist" against North Koreans in favor of South Koreans? I've heard idiotic use of the term before, especially in relation to GLBT, but this one takes the cake.
1031, It is the same nonsense that claims making fun of the French is racist, and disliking Muslims (a religious philosophy) is racism. It is a label the attach to everything, including the weather.
The descriptions are apt and quite inoffensive. If anything, the description is too soft.
If a despotic regime in the west tried to starve its people into submission and entirely cut them off from the outside world it would likely get a sterner appellation than 'naughty'.
Annon 4:41 Im perfectly sober i dont drink at all
Leftist are compiled of several groups:
The largest group are those who are simply dim. They have tiny little brains. If someone throws out the word “racist” they fly all into a dither and are simply incapable of applying any sort of analysis. Like a deer in the headlights, their brains turn off; they become incapable of any rational thought or analysis.
Another group in the left are the power greedy opportunists – those who see how to manipulate the dimwits into giving them power.
The North and South Koreans are the very same people – the 38th parallel divides families, brothers, sisters, parents and children. There is no racial difference whatsoever – only a difference in government with all the attendant differences that brings. There is no better laboratory to demonstrate the difference between capitalism and socialism.
Those who want to push the West further towards socialism understand this. They understand that any rational person, seeing the difference between the two Koreas would instantly understand the superiority of capitalism. They also understand that if they throw out the word “racist” huge numbers of dimwitted leftists will be stunned into an intellectual stupor that will prevent them from considering any further analysis.
And there are some who are so profoundly brainwashed and mentally deranged that they will automatically jump to the default answer “racism” when hearing any challenge to any thing leftish.
Back when President Bush described North Korea part of the "Axis of Evil" he endured all kinds of criticism for his "provocative" statement. Nevermind that it was and still is true.
And we still have the AXIS of EVIL out there and they belong to the UNITED NATIONS as well
choco-ice people stand up and be counted.
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