Australia: Cafe sign 'joke' slammed as racist slur

The core of the joke is the very low educational level of Aborigines and there has been any amount of media reports about that. Many Aborigines are functionally illiterate. But we are not allowed to allude to that, apparently.
The "stolen generation" is a myth created by Leftists, using the fact that abused children taken by social workers from Aboriginal homes were sometimes relocated to white homes
A Caboolture cafe is at the centre of a brewing storm after numerous people branded a sign outside the Queensland shop as racist.
Caboolture man Ranald Link said he was disgusted when he saw it at Tarmac Takeaways, in Aerodrome Rd, on Friday and further angered when staff refused to remove it. Mr Link, an Aboriginal man whose grandmother and great grandmother were members of the stolen generations, said the message was disrespectful of the pain they experienced at being taken from their families.
Mr Link said the sign also stereotyped Aboriginal people as thieves. "We don't go around saying every white person is a thief... so why should they stereotype us?"
The shop's owner, who wanted to be known only as Janelle, said the "joke" was something her daughter had seen on Facebook and was not something she had made up to cause offence.
Janelle said she had been putting jokes about various groups, such as blondes and New Zealanders, outside her shop for 10 years and this was the first time someone had complained. "I'm not actually having a go at them," she said.
Janelle said she would be more careful in future. "I'll definitely not put anything like that out again. I'll keep it pretty bland," she said.
Can anyone ever remember those polock jokes?
Q: What's the difference between Bird of Paradise and a bucket of shit?
A: The bucket.
Once again our local troll demonstrates the content of his character.
Anon, how do you stand yourself?
Of course the majority of Americans who dominate this site will be ambivalent about what to say coz their forebears likewise displaced the indigenous population in their continent in a none too "pleasant" way! Pathetically, they usually then go and try to pass blame onto the people still living back in Europe today for what the "whites" did around the world!
J-F-C! - Just about every polulation on earth has displaced some group in a none too pleasant way! And the Dutch were the largerst slave traders back before America was even a country. Just because euros had a not-in-my-backyard attitude doesn't mean they weren't involved it up to their ears.
People suck! That's why it's so hard to find balance between having a society and a government to keep people in check, but keeping the government small and weak enough that the people can still keep it in check.
Q.Whats the diffrence between annon 1:35 and a toilet? A.The toilet can be flushed
So if invasions and genocide were common in the past, then it's okay (the "traditional" argument that's usually the last resort for any justification!).
"Anon, how do you stand yourself?"
Hey it's just humor. If you don't like it here, just leave. I for one can do without your holier than thou attitude.
It's great to be able to laugh. There's nothing like a good joke. And that* was nothing like a good joke.
* 1:35 AM comment
Anon 4:01 - Do you have a time machine to fix it? Or do you just believe in "corruption of blood" where the sons are punished for the sins of their fathers (as in North Korea, for example)?
3:11, we don't care what you think, the bottom line is look at your sorry country what was once king of oppressors with an empire of oppression and you think you can talk smack about America? LOL sure.
" Or do you just believe in "corruption of blood" where the sons are punished for the sins of their fathers "
Taken to its radical extreme, that is what the RCC's view of "original sin" is. Adam and Eve screwed up and somehow I am being punished.
Hmm so 8:01 AM can somehow devine where 3:11's country is and that it had oppressive kings and an oppressive empire. Even if it did, does that excuse America (which 8:01 is referring to and what the topic was about)? And who is the "we" who don't care what 3:11 thinks. Is 8:01 using the royal plural (how ironic)?
At the same time 8:01 is also using the "What-did-the-Romans-ever-do-for-us" fallacious argument about the contribution of empires to their colonies and former colonies (and wasn't the US a former colony of an empire and still speaks its language - in a manner?)
there's the ignorant UK citizen playing in the band while the titanic sinks. your country sucks and is in big trouble no matter your opinion about America and how great it truly is.
... and for any significant expertise it imports experts from other parts of the world and then claims credit for their work!
4:24 UK sucks and you know it, nearly half of you would leave if you could according to surveys. The USA is so great that it's the number one destination every year for immigrants.
3:44 I don't live in the UK but I know if any number there were interviewed (according to the wording of the questions) they would most likely say they would leave for a better climate, but without considering climates are not always sunny or free from other climatic problems, or considering the local economies there, or politics, etc. etc. In short it just daydreaming about being "greener on the other side" without thinking how lucky they already are relative to other countries.
As for the US - your propaganda is so powerful that you believe it yourselves no matter how bad conditions get - and even here you are constantly whining about issues within the US.
The name KANGAROO is aborigional for I DONT KNOW
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