An interesting idea in the light of the Brandon Raub kidnapping
For those of you who use Facebook and are concerned about the NSA/FBI or any other government goons monitoring your messages, please be advised that it will be a long time before the NSA computers have the ability to read hand written imaging of text, decipher multiple hand writing variations and convert that image to text.
This hand written image is a great way to convey a simple message without immediately triggering detection with key words. Of course, the image can be viewed but it will not trigger an automated alert to the authorities.

I am still stunned that a man can be confined in a mental hospital for anti-government speech. It's the old Soviet Communist system all over again -- in America! Or should that be Obamerica?
Theres only one good place for kidnappers and thats a lifetime sentence to prison without parole and no plea bargins
Think it is bad now, just wait for RomneyCare going nationwide, Romerica, and Mittwit going for anyone critical of his Morman cult.
Amerika has gotten worse with EACH successive president. It will not stop with voting Obummer out. Put on your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy ride.
Generally speaking, the American people have become some of the weakest and dumbest people on the planet. By continuing to elect the same lying crooks to run their govt., (and their lives) and by continuing to believe the same lies they're told by the media, they have become the living example of Einsteins defenition of true insanity.
America's political system no longer works, for the people that is. It still works just fine for those in control. It is a political system which is based on lies and corruption, and has been manipulated so much, for so long, that it is now unable to help or protect the people as it was originally intended. The only people the govt. helps are those who's political support is needed, and those who have access to that govt. and are draining it of it's resources.
The last time this set of circumstances occured, America had an armed revolution. I fear that same solution is needed once again. But fear not. Not the strength, nor the will, nor the interest, still exist in the American people. They will be content to go on simply being herded like sheep and occupy themselves with their tweets, while their country, their freedom, and their liberty evaporate.
A. Levy:
How can you say we're weak and dumb? After all... we gave the world Snooki.
As a moderate, I hold my nose and vote for the one who stinks less. The management of this country is abhorrent. The people who should run this country are the ones who do not have perfect hair, lousy at giving speeches, unable to lie, and do not have a C average in college (i.e. have some smarts)
We should eliminate the 6 sigma individuals on the political spectrum, bell curve, left and right. Then maybe we would have a government that can solve problems and get things done.
I find it kinda funny that such a serious hand written note is disseminated through social media. for some reason the song LIFE DURING WAR TIME keep coming to my head.
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