Thursday, August 30, 2012

Animal Rights Group Calls Sport Hunting Magazines ‘Shooting Porn’ and Wants to Ban Kids from Seeing Them‏

An animal rights group in the U.K. came out with a report Monday saying gun magazines are “shooting porn” that should be banned from sale to minors.

In its report “Gunning For Children: How the gun lobby recruits young blood,“ Animal Aid says that such ”lurid, pro-violence content could have a corrosive, long-lasting effect on impressionable young minds.”

The group believes these magazines should be considered “top shelf” and banned from sale to customers younger than 18. Animal Aid says this action”could deal a serious blow to a gun lobby that is desperate to recruit youngsters to counter a declining constituency.” In England and Wales, the group notes, licenses for shotguns have been declining for the last two decades.

Tyler goes on to say youth who engage in sport hunting in urban areas are “considered dysfunctional and a social menace.”

Gun advocates are dismissive of the report and its claims. The Daily Telegraph reports Simon Clarke of the British Association of Shooting and Conservation saying the magazines only promote responsible use of the firearms and that the animal’s death is not inappropriately glorified.

David Taylor with the Countryside Alliance told the Telegraph the magazines also show how hunting is a vital part of the rural economy



Anonymous said...

Those who own firearms in the UK have been so marginalized by legislation that there is effectively no opposition to inane propositions such as this. The same effort is underway in Australia and has had some success in the United States. Removing or marginalizing discourse on subjects that they do not like is a prevalent Leftist tactic.


Anonymous said...

Whether it's the FoodNazi's, or the EnviroNazi's, or the TobaccoNazi's, there's no shortage of radical leftists who truly believe they, and only they, have the right to tell everyone how they must live.

This is simply another example of how those on the left, the same people who demand total tolerance from everyone, showing absolutely zero tolerance for anyone who dares disagree with their radical whims.

And unlike the UK and Australia, taking guns away from the American people would be a very loud and bloody affair.

"Armed citizens are free people. Disarmed citizens are slaves..."

Guvmintsux said...

314 - How is that any different than the ChristoNazis telling women what they can and cannot do with their bodies or telling "aberrant" people that they cannot marry?

Anonymous said...

Don't feed the trolls. I'm trying to quit myself.

Anonymous said...

3:19, oh please enough already. Surveys show Christian women are much happier than liberal women. That's the bottom line, happiness.

Anonymous said...

I am so very happy under my wife.

Anonymous said...

6:09 PM So explain why an amazing number of "white" women in the US and Europe convert to Islam? They evidently prefer it to their previous lifestyles. Yes, you can say they are indoctrinated, but either there must still be some attraction to these women in the first place, or you are saying religion is so powerful in its psychological effects that anyone's religion should be questioned.

Bird of Paradise said...

All those animal rights pansies need to all be rounded up and marooned in the middle of the wilderness their views of wildlife have been so disnefied I,ll bet they would last a week in the wilderness

Anonymous said...

You mean like birds should be rounded up and confined somewhere so we don't have to hear there irritating and meaningless squawking?!