Friday, December 10, 2010

TN: ACLU warns schools about holiday activities

We read:
"The American Civil Liberties Union of Tennessee has warned school officials across the state about holiday celebrations.

In a letter to the 137 public school superintendents, the group reminded them that holiday celebrations focusing primarily on one religious holiday [That wouldn't be Christmas, would it?] amount to a school's unconstitutional endorsement of religion.

The ACLU said in a news release that it was responding to numerous complaints from families about such school activities.

Hedy Weinberg, ACLU executive director in Tennessee, said it is especially important for people to embrace the constitutional guarantees of the First Amendment in order to ensure that religious freedom flourishes.


In the weird worldview of the ACLU, religious freedom flourishes by denying religious freedom to Christians, it would seem


Anonymous said...

Hedy Weinberg? That should tell you something right there.

The Constitution says the State can not establish a religion. It says nothing about endorsing one.

Anonymous said...

" celebrations focusing primarily on one religious holiday amount to a school's unconstitutional endorsement of religion."

What utter bullsh*t. As a kid, we celebrated a "holiday season" that included Christian and Jewish holidays. Kwanza was not yet invented, Islam was some mysterious religion of books and movies, and people of other faiths simply didn't care. The irony is that the Jews were cool with the Christmas celebrations because they got days off from school, while the Christians were jealous of the Jews because Hanukkah lasted for 8 days.

Somehow, we all just got along.

Now, the Politically Correct stance is for no one to get along.


Anonymous said...

"The Constitution says the State can not establish a religion. It says nothing about endorsing one."

Exactly. And it also says that religions can express themselves.

Of course, once the Prophet Obama (PBUH) gets Sharia Law instituted, we're all screwed.


Spurwing Plover said...

Scooge and the grinch must be card carrying members of the ACLU becuase they dont like all that happy cheery feeling that happens over the hoilidays like this. If there was any group that needed to be totaly eradicated its the evil ACLU

PIL said...

Schools aren't obligated to offer all sports. The drama club doesn't have to perform all plays. Cheerleaders don't have to let the nonathletic or ugly participate. So why should the holidays be any different?

Anonymous said...

Religions deal with delusions of an invisible man in the sky who loves you yet racks your body with disease. Keep your delusions away from me. The ACLU helps me in that regard.

Anonymous said...

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Evidently judges by not being Congress are allowed to prohibit the free exercise of religion.

In fact why is it that the dim bulbs who want to use the 1st amendment to keep religious displays out of the public view never seems to note that the same amendment provides for the the freedom to be religious.

Nutcase said...

At last I looked 85% of the population believed in God. So that leaves 15% who don't.


85% have to bow to the will of 15%? Since the left is all about what is "fair" How is that fair?

Funny thing, if a muslim put up his religious items in the town square, we would hear how it shows how “tolerant” we are and the ACLU would be just fine with it! And anyone who complained would be labeled a Racists, Islamophobic and Intolerant!

Anonymous said...

This is the result of having develpoed into a weak, mindless society which allows it's freedoms and liberties to be trampled in the name of political correctness. PC has become a monument to our national weakness and stupidity.

Anonymous said...

"PC has become a monument to our national weakness and stupidity."

That's why I use a Mac and/or Linux.

Malcolm said...

The comments of Anonymous 3:00 am are only the tip of the iceberg. The First Amendment actually says: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion."
It would take remarkable logical legerdemain to equate a public school, run by a state, as "Congress", or one of its policies as a "law".

jwenting said...

"Of course, once the Prophet Obama (PBUH) gets Sharia Law instituted, we're all screwed."

Well, the ACLU will be among the first on the chopping block when that happens.
So there's some good coming from even muhammedans.

Anonymous said...

I think the Federal and State governments should cancel any paid religious holidays and require federal and state employees to work on those days. When they complain, refer them to the wonderful ACLU. That should greatly improve their image and make them very popular. Isn't a federal holiday an endorsement of religion?

Anonymous said...

Well the "state" could and maybe should simply introduce new public secular holidays and abandon the phoney "religious" ones that have just become embarrassingly commercial and non-religious in tone and practice for all but a minority (who could always observe those days privately and sincerely).

Flu-Bird said...