Friday, July 31, 2020

BBC slammed after reporter uses N-word on air

BBC journalist Fiona Lamdin has sparked intense backlash after using a racial slur during a news report about a young victim of a racially-motivated attack.

The BBC social affairs correspondent from Bristol in the UK uttered the N-word on Wednesday morning while describing a serious assault of a black National Health Service worker who was hit by a car in the city.

The attack was considered to be racially motivated as the perpetrators allegedly shouted the derogatory term to the victim.

Ms Lamdin gave viewers just a few moments notice before the word was spoken.

“Just to warn you, you’re about to hear highly offensive language,” Ms Lamdin said.

“Because as the men ran away they hurled racial abuse, calling him a ‘n*****’.”

It immediately caused an uproar, with furious viewers expressing their outrage on social media.

“Why did you feel the need to use the ‘n-word’ when talking about this incident? Not only is the use of the word appalling it also took away from the actual focus of the conversation,” one Twitter user posted.



Stan B said...

That's right - much better they just use the euphemism "n-word" which puts the word in your head, without being ACTUALLY guilty of saying it. Of course, that's kind of like using a bow to put an arrow in your gut - and then claiming it was the bowstring, technically, that forced the arrow into your gut. Maroons.

BT2PO2 said...

And yet, radio stations can play rap music all day long where that word and worse is perfectly acceptable. Fancy that.

Anonymous said...

blacks can call each other that but whites cant even think it
What part of derenged are we in now?