Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Why we shouldn’t censor Covid conspiracy theories

“Censorship has a funny way of making nutcases think that they’re on to something. Conspiracy theorists, for one, love being shut down and kicked off platforms. It vindicates their worldview and burnishes their victim complex, proving in their feverish minds that the state or the big corporations or the Jews (delete as appropriate) are out to silence them and their explosive spider diagrams.

So amid the coronavirus crisis, as people like that try to use the Covid-19 crisis to spew their nonsense, let’s not give them the satisfaction of censoring them.”



Anonymous said...

That would seem to be good advice.

Anonymous said...

The answer to a bad argument is not to shut down the speaker but to reply with a good argument.

We are becoming a society which refuses to politely debate and is in fact demanding that everyone be perfectly correct all the time.

We are human and have to acknowledge that we are not perfect and accept that others may not only disagree with us but hold entirely opposite opinions.

That does not make those people our enemies, rather it makes them valuable as they can serve as the stone against which you can hone your own argument.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to add:

That does not make those people our enemies, rather it makes them valuable as they can serve as the stone against which you can hone your own argument or heaven forbid a person who can show you the error of your opinion.