Land O Lakes Indian Maiden Bows to Political Correctness
The politically-correct crowd has claimed another scalp. Quietly and without fanfare, the makers of Land O Lakes butter rubbed out the lovely maiden that was the centerpiece of the company's logo for 100 years. In the middle of the logo now is a big zero.
That stands for the amount of sense that it makes to get rid of a lovely image that offended few if any Native Americans, for whom it was supposedly removed.
"You know who loves being represented in American culture? According to a survey of 4000 Native Americans by NAGA, Native Americans do," the red-headed libertarian tweeted. "You know who doesn’t love Native Americans being represented in American Culture? Woke suburban white women."
That letter, from Eunice (Abraham) Davidson — who described herself as a "full blood Dakota Sioux enrolled member with the Spirit Lake Sioux tribe in North Dakota" — said she's tired of Native American imagery being expunged from the national consciousness:
"Every independent poll or survey since 1992 (Washington Post, CBS, ESPN, Annenberg, USA, Sports Illustrated) [has] concluded 80 to 90% of American Indians support or have no problem with the use of our names and images portrayed by sports teams, whether High Schools, University/Colleges, or Professional sports."
People reacted with surprise that anyone found it objectionable. "I grew up thinking it was a beautiful image. I thought it was a positive depiction of Native people, a reminder of their relationship with nature. Guess I was wrong," one user tweeted.
Minnesotan John Hoffman offered that the image was made by a Native American artist. "The packaging was redesigned in the 1950s by Patrick DesJarlait, a highly-successful Ojibwe artist from Red Lake. He said he was interested in 'fostering a sense of Indian pride' across the Midwest," Hoffman tweeted.
Once again the Left removes something beautiful, and leaves nothing in it's place...
liberals are total idiots Next on their lists anything American that offended whining little liberal snowflakes like Fireworks the 4th of July and Memorial Day and Veterans Day replaced with Hug a Tree Day and Go Vegan Day
I used to be brand loyal. Not any more. A big zero in the middle of the brand seems to be appropriate these days.
I still remember when Aunt Jimmima wore her scarf
Whats next on their hit list of the PC Screwballs who can tell how dumb they are
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