Monday, November 25, 2019

Kamala Harris Says, 'In the Year of Our Lord' in the Debate. Twitter Loses Its Mind

During the Democratic Debate on Wednesday, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Flailing) spoke about the gender pay gap "in the year of our Lord 2019." People on Twitter noticed it, and didn't know how to respond.

Charles Lane, a Washington Post opinion writer, suggested the phrase — a reference to the system of dating years in relation to the birth of Jesus Christ — is "colonialist."

"'The Year of our Lord 2019' is a colonialist concept isn't it?" Lane tweeted.

Author Caroline Moss thought it was a joke. Then she said it was "so embarrassing!!!!!"

"I use Year of Our Lord as a joke all the time, but I'm an atheist," Robyn Pennacchia, a writer for Wonkette and Patheos's Friendly Atheist blog, chimed in.

Matt Lewis, a senior columnist at the Daily Beast and political commentator for CNN, noted that Harris said "the year of our Lord" instead of "Common Era." He asked, "What happened to the party that booed God?"

Roman Catholic New Yorker Ryan James Girdusky tweeted, "Thank you [Kamala Harris], but that's not going to win you the religious black vote."



Anonymous said...

"the year of our Lord" is an expression that has been used by Christians for a long time.
I am an Atheist and I do not have any objection to its use.

Anonymous said...

"'The Year of our Lord 2019' is a colonialist concept isn't it?" Lane tweeted.

No, since it's PREDATES "colonialism" by more than a thousand years it would not be a colonialist concept. That statement only displays open ignorance of history and a rush to be judgmental.

C. S. P. Schofield said...

I wouldn't say that the expression predates colonialism. It predates the colonizing of various places by Europeans, but Rome had colonies all over the place. But what the ninny saying it's a colonialist concept knows about history could probably be inscribed on the head of a pin. With a jackhammer.

That said, "Kamala Harris Says, 'In the Year of Our Lord' in the Debate. Twitter Loses Its Mind"?

You can't lose what you never had in the first place.