Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The False Hope of the Transgender Language Police
Always, a brand of period pads, recently announced it will take the Venus symbol off its products. Always is “committed to diversity and inclusion and are on a continual journey to understand the needs of all of our consumers,” the brand noted in a statement.
Because in 2019, it’s apparently controversial to say that only women get periods.
For years, woke activists have been pushing for language to shift on the issues of periods and pregnancy. Thinx, a brand of underwear designed to be worn during periods, apologized during “Transgender Awareness Week” in 2015 for focusing too much on women.
“We feel it is our responsibility to send a reminder that menstruation is not a trait of, nor a defining factor of, a specific gender. It is something that can occur amongst all people,” the brand wrote at the time.
Two years later, Glamour magazine approvingly covered the open-mindedness of new menstruation products company Aunt Flow: “There’s also the recognition that it’s not just cisgender women who get periods: Trans men and people who don’t identify as one gender get them too, so the company has eliminated the gendered pronouns of her and she from their materials.”
In 2016, the Twitter hashtag #IfMenHadPeriods was controversial—for suggesting that men didn’t have periods.
So now if you wear a kimono or don a Native American headdress—no matter how respectfully—that’s cultural appropriation and inappropriate if you are not Japanese or Native American.
But if you want to label a female experience—one that is dependent on having female body parts at birth—as being gender-neutral, that’s A-OK.
So at least for today, ethnic appropriation gets you hurled into cancel culture. But gender appropriation gets you celebrated.
How is that fair?
Transgender people should be treated with respect and love, just like everyone else. But that does not mean all of society—from companies to individuals—should be forced to kowtow and affirm their preferred version of reality.
There are differences between men and women, and menstruating is one of them.
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SMH. As a society we are losing our minds collectively to avoid offending those who are mentally ill personally! And it's not going to help, it doesn't make anyone feel better, it just increases the level of cognitive dissonance that we all have to deal with. Just stop it.
Transgender people should be treated with respect and love, just like everyone else.
There are many people that I do not treat with love and respect; all criminals, drug addicts, Democrat leaders, and anti-social disruptors.
A homosexual in a dress is still a man, medical science cannot make a womb
The left have picked up the trans lobby after their sucesses in thrusting gay marriage and adoption dowen everyones throats.
Whats next?
There was an attempt for the "marry your dog or pet" brigade to get in on the gay mariage debate in the UK
it will stop when the left are driven from the universities, when people experience the realities of life rather then the protected largess of the publically funded universities where most of this nonsense starts
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