Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Atheists Go After Christian Judge

Bibles are not OK

Freedom from Religion Foundation cries foul over judge giving a Bible to a defendant.  

Following one of the most unexpended and emotionally moving moments witnessed in a court room in recent memory, leave it to a small bunch of angry, agitating atheists to come in and attempt to ruin it. The Washington Examiner reports, “The Freedom From Religion Foundation, which describes itself as a ‘nonprophet nonprofit’ seeking ‘to promote nontheism and defend the constitutional separation between religion and government,’ sent a letter to the State Commission on Judicial Conduct in Texas, complaining that State District Judge Tammy Kemp’s ‘proselytizing actions overstepped judicial authority, were inappropriate and were unconstitutional.’”

And what were those “proselytizing actions”? The good judge, after presiding over the murder trial and sentencing, hugged just-convicted Amber Guyger and gave her a Bible. This occurred after the brother of the murder victim, Brandt Jean, publicly forgave and hugged Guyger. It was clear throughout the entire exchange that Guyger was fully receptive to the grace she was shown.

Yet the FFRF complained that “delivering bibles and personally witnessing as a judge is an egregious abuse of power” and called for an investigation into “these actions for violations of the Code of Judicial Conduct.” Clearly, the FFRF does not believe in the power of faith or forgiveness, and apparently only thrives off of its hatred of religion and Christianity in particular. Hopefully, this spurious complaint is quickly and thoroughly rejected.


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