Friday, October 11, 2019

Chinese workers rip down NBA ads and more firms pull sponsorships

The rift started after Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey posted a tweet last week that showed support for the Hong Kong protests

Chinese workers have been filmed ripping down NBA advertisements after state broadcasters vowed not to air this week's preseason games in China as the backlash from the freedom of speech row continues.

The NBA postponed scheduled media sessions in Shanghai for the Brooklyn Nets and Los Angeles Lakers where both teams were training on Wednesday.

It remains unclear if the teams will play in China this week as scheduled given the ongoing rift that started after Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey posted a tweet last week that showed support for anti-government protesters in Hong Kong.

Footage has emerged of workers in multiple spots around Shanghai using machinery to remove large roadside NBA promotional signs that were advertising a preseason game between the Lakers and Nets scheduled for Thursday.

The teams are also supposed to play Saturday in Shenzhen.

'Given the fluidity of the situation, today's media availability has been postponed,' the NBA said of canceling its Nets-Lakers media session.

Chinese smartphone maker Vivo has joined the list of companies that have suspended - for now, at least - ties with the NBA, and that only adds to the uncertainty over whether the China games will be played.

Vivo was a presenting sponsor of the Lakers-Nets games, and on Wednesday there was no reference to the game in Shanghai on the list of upcoming events scheduled at Mercedes-Benz Arena.


From a Chinese perspective, they think they have been very tolerant with HK so they think it is being very unfair and hostile to criticize them


Anonymous said...

So the general manager has now learned a lesson on the first amendment. You are free to express your opinions, but you have to live with the consequences that follow.


Bird of Paradise said...

So long NBA you have scored 00 on this one too bad so Take a Hike you just nailed your own coffin Good Bye and Good riddence we have been warned about the Commies and their plans Take a Hike NBA