Sunday, October 06, 2019

Kamala Harris Calls for Twitter to Silence Donald Trump Indicating She’s for Censorship of Opposition

California Senator and 2020 Democratic candidate Kamala Harris is definitely on board the censorship train as she called for Twitter to silence President Donald Trump by suspending his account. Her reasoning? His tweets about the whistleblower are mean.

Appearing on CNN with Anderson Cooper, Harris made a show of saying the government would protect this poor whistleblower from Trump, and that Trump’s tweets are causing more harm than good about it and everything else. As such, Harris suggested Twitter take action.

“The President’s tweets and behaviors about this are just further evidence of the fact that he uses his power that is designed to beat people down instead of lift people up,” said Harris.

“Frankly, when you look at what he’s been tweeting today, directed at the whistleblower, directed at so many people, I frankly, think that based on this and all we’ve seen him do before, including attacking members of Congress that frankly his Twitter account should be suspended,” she continued.

“I think there’s plenty of now evidence to suggest that he is irresponsible with his words in a way that could result in harm to other people. And so the privilege of using those words in that way should probably be taken from him,” she added.

The bottom line here, however, is that Harris wants to silence someone because she doesn’t like their tweets. The question that should be asked is, if she’s willing to do it to one person, how many more people do you think she’d try to pressure Twitter to silence when she has the power of the White House behind her?



Bird of Paradise said...

Harris can go soak her head like all liberal Democrats can do just pack up and leave your typical liberal democrat silence all who don't agree with them

ScienceABC123 said...

The Left has always called for censorship of those with an opposing point of view, such is their tolerance.

"Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views." - William F. Buckley

Anonymous said...

Forget Harris. Hilary is going to step into the race to save the World from the evil Trump. The wheels are already in motion. Bernie is gone, Biden is toast because of Hunter. Who could be behind the damming E-mails? Look for dirt on Warren to come out via the Hilary Machine.