Thursday, May 24, 2012

NC: KKK fliers distributed, promoting cross-burning

Atheists or Democrats?
"Police in Reidsville are investigating some fliers that invite people to a cross-burning. Police Chief Edd Hunt said officers have received calls about the fliers, which come two weeks after the Ku Klux Klan held a protest in nearby Eden. Hunt says detectives are investigating but he’s not sure if the material is connected to the earlier protests in Eden."



Anonymous said...

I am not a KKK supporter, but how is "cross burning" really any different from "flag burning"?

Anonymous said...

"Atheists or Democrats?"

How about right-wing skinheads? How about circus clowns? How about Fox News Pundits? How about the "Real Housewives of Atlanta? Howe about YOU, Jon? where were you?

Stan B said...

In 2003, the US Supreme Court ruled that Cross Burning for purposes of "intimidation" can be outlawed (Virginia V. Black, 2003). The burden of the state is to prove that my cross burning is not simply an expression of political speech, but that it is intended to intimidate specific racial, sexual, or religious groups or individuals.

Basically the Court classified such behavior as a "true threat," right up there with telling someone you are going to visit great bodily injury or death upon them (commonly referred to as "terroristic threatening" in most localities.)

Anonymous said...

Having a cross burning on your private land, as I doubt very highly this is happening on public land, and inviting people to watch/participate, is certainly protected free speech. This is not the same as burning a cross in someone's front yard, which is certainly a property rights crime.

I don't even care if they are burning flags or hanging people in effigy - they should be allowed to do what they want. Without a direct threat or call to illegal action, if people want to behave like assholes, that is their business.

Anonymous said...

What has this to do with atheists? Or are they the whipping-boys for everything, however unconnected?

Anonymous said...

atheists, liberals - who cares?

stinky said...

How about right-wing skinheads? How about circus clowns? How about Fox News Pundits? How about the "Real Housewives of Atlanta? Howe about YOU, Jon? where were you?

Jon's questions are understandable given that virtually all such violence emanates from the self-labelled left rather than the self-labelled right these days.

Even the MSM has been forced to (in vain; thanks Internet!) try to rebrand violent lefties as if they came from the other side, as in for example the Gabrielle Giffords shooting. Such attempts at fakery and rebranding would be unnecessary if the righties were the truly violent ones.

Occasional nutjobs will abound on either side, of course, but they predominate more where they're encouraged more, which is why the stats belie the anecdotes.

P.S. Even the KKK has far more historical (and current, actually, tho we can debate that another time) ties to the D's than to the R's. "Segration now, segregation forever." Remember?

A. Levy said...

Up until 2008, the KKK was a faint and vague memory. It continued to exist only in the minds of professional racists such as Al Sharptongue, Je$$ie Jackass, the SPLC, and others of their ilk.

But, since '08, Obama and those who surround and control him, have been doing a great job at causing division between the races, mostly for political gain. In fact, his strong supporters in the Black Panthers have repeatedly called for, and continue to call for, all-out race war with Whites. It is for that reason alone that we see a resurgence of the KKK, and other White extremist groups.

Of course, radical left-wing groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center, and to a somewhat lessor extent, the MSM, would love to have you believe extremism only exists on the Right, as they "never" investigate extreme groups on the Left.

Unfortunately, you can see proof that their actions are having an effect by simply reading the newspapers, with attackes by blacks on Whites on the rise. Trayvon Martin? Don't be fooled. He's nothing but an excuse for blacks to do what they'll always find a way to do.

Anonymous said...

What resurgence of the KKK? That's another "big lie" disseminated by the left to take the attention off the miserable performance of Obama.

Anonymous said...

The KKK's resurgence is obvious, albeit not nearly as much as the left would have us believe. And the only thing that can take the attention away from Obama's miserable performance is the media, and a weak and gullible public that believes what it's told.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Jon, 

But I don't quite get the point of including this piece. Looking into this is exactly what the cops should be doing. A KKK cross burning, although entirely constitutional, is likely to attract some left wing protestors. Also entirely constitutional. But when those two factions face off sparks are likely to fly. Then it's the cops job to put the fire out. Getting a handle in who the players are and what the lay of the land is, is only good copping. The Constitution doesn't require the cops to stuff their fingers in their ears and their heads in the ground. 

Oh hell .... Now I do get your point. Not a PC issue at all, just a chance to point out how Democrats will be Democrats. The KKK was the creation, and a mainstay of traditional old school Democrats, but wouldn't cross burning fit in perfectly with the mindset of the atheist religion of the New Democrats ... Same mindset, different target. Your absolutely right.  Got it! Thanks!

Hope your recovery goes well!

Bird of Paradise said...

How many times did ROBERT BYRD do this? said...

I've never met a Klanmen, but I am familiar with the liberal media and leftist academia.

I'm guessing most what we 'know' abou the KKK is manufacture nonsense!