Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Homosexuality must be accepted as a legitimate alternative lifestyle -- except when it must not be mentioned as a possibility at all!

Figure that one out!
Fox News analyst Monica Crowley on Friday apologized for  tweeting the news of Sandra Fluke’s engagement with the comment, “To a man?”

Crowley’s initial post Thursday about the Georgetown Law student prompted a flurry of responses, including ones calling her “homophobic“ and a ”terrible person.” She retweeted a few of them, and tweeted that she loves “exposing the Left’s total lack of a sense of humor.”

That came to an end Friday afternoon, however, when Crowley wrote: “Regret my tweeted question caused a stir. I certainly & unequivocally apologize to Sandra & anyone else I offended. Not my intention.”



Anonymous said...

That they have become totally immersed in political correctness, especially PC'speak, is why i no longer watch the "parade of clowns", a.k.a. Fox. Their on-air buffoons with their out-of-control egos, their very lame attempts at "entertainment", and their endless commercials, are all reasons i'd rather watch the cartoon network for my news. It's a lot more accurate.

How is it that we never hear apologies from the Left? Is that one of the reasons Republicans and Conservatives are losing the culture war, and just about every other battle with the left? Are Conservatives too conservative? Obviously, the Left is well aware of that weakness and takes full advantage.

This is why we will most likely see four more years of Marxism in DC.

Anonymous said...

I am suprised she found a man that desperate cause she is not a good looking woman.

Anonymous said...

How do you know "he's" a man?

Uno Hu said...

I would have totally stood behind Crowley and defended her right to say (tweet) pretty much whatever she chose that was not outright libellous. I would have, until she ignominiously caved in to the cavils of the politically correct, after which I am inclined to agree with those so say that "her hate language bespeaks of an insensitivity so deep and profound as to preclude her from further on-air exposure."

There is absolutely nothing that is more disgusting than watching an on-air "celebrity" say something that they actually think, and thereafter watching them stumble all over themselves to issue an apology that they do not mean, but which they feel is "required", essentially allowing themselves to be driven from an honestly expressed opinion as though such opinion is hideous and unclean. This craven behavior does no "side" a favor, does not end the offense taken by the protected group, weakens the resolve of people who agreed with the originally expressed opinion, and enhances the power of the politically correct left! Having a conservative or libertarian viewpoint should not cost one his/her job; being an outright coward, on the other hand, is valid cause for career termination!! Conservative commentators should be careful that they do not rally the barking moonbats of the left to call for their head and shortly thereafter so offend the only groups who would be their defenders that those groups stand back and let the moonbats eat.