Thursday, November 12, 2009

You could lose your Internet service

We read:
"“I see that economics blogger Brad DeLong is celebrating his first DMCA takedown notice. For those not in on the jargon, the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA) allows copyright holders to demand that a web site take down any content which is alleged to violate their copyright.

Needless to say, this has been abused frequently by large corporations seeking to stifle free expression (such as critical comment). But at least the DMCA provides a process to challenge a takedown notice.

Enjoy that smidgen of due process while it lasts. The Electronic Frontier Foundation reports that the secret negotiations for the international Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) are including draconian provisions … ”



Anonymous said...

This is actually the first step in the total control of the internet. The major entity pushing this is the news media. Their newspapers and magazines are losing money and readers by the boat-load, and this will force people to pay to view their content online. Of course, once the first control/regulation of the internet is put into place, you can kiss the internet's freedom and independence goodbye.

You have comrade Odumbo and his fellow Marxists to thank for this. It's one of the only campaign promises he made that he's actually going to keep.

Anonymous said...

However much I dislike the DMCA and what it can cause, I severely distrust the EFF and anything they state even more.
They're a far-left political group whose real goal is NOT "electronic freedom" but total control of all intellectual property by themselves (officially the total abandonment of intellectual property, but in reality they want it all to be under their control, of course).