Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Libertarian cops Leftist hate speech

We read:
"As readers of this blog may be aware, I was the guest on C-SPAN’s “In Depth” program on Sunday, April 5. Afterward, the volume of my e-mail messages rose substantially as people wrote to me to express their opinion of my performance or to ask me questions. Although many of these messages sent approbation, for which I am grateful, others, like most of the people who called in during the program, were less than complimentary.

I had a foreboding that one of these messages might contain, shall we say, a bit of denunciation when I saw that its subject line read “You’re a fucking STUPID and VAPID.” In the body of the message, the sentence continues:
"little insect.

“Everything deregulated…”

Please shoot yourself now and by chance, you haven’t bred have you?

Scum sucking maggot, get the f*ck off my CSPAN channel and get out of my society.

Although this foul-mouthed lingo is not the kind of language that my mother taught me to use, I understood it well enough to file it under the rubric of “strong disapproval.”

Over the past decade or so, my popular articles on the Web have frequently elicited similar expressions of personal contempt and hatred. Had I not been a student of ideology, I might have been somewhat perplexed by such malevolent missives. After all, what do my writings endorse? As a rule, they uphold peace, voluntary cooperation, tolerance, and friendship toward all who do not proclaim themselves to be my sworn enemies. How can such inoffensive views touch a reader’s nerves so painfully that he responds by assaulting my character and demanding that I evacuate the country in which my ancestors and I were born?



Bobby said...

How can the author not be hated with a quote like this:

"During the painful years of the Bush regime, we had to endure the slings and arrows of the brown shirts who compose the so-called Republican base. Now that Obama has ascended the throne, the brown shirts of the left are emerging as the more conspicuous barbarians."

The Bush regime wasn't painful, it was glorious. The only mistake Bush made was he didn't shoot enough protesters, you have to wait until they get violent and then you shoot them, that way you don't violate their first amendment rights.

The only problem with Bush was that he was too nice, too decent, too compassionate, too respectful of others.

Brian from Virginia said...

Welcome to the ObamaNation; either get with the One's Program or get out.

/sarcasm off

Okay folks, please tell me that we only have 3 years and 8 months more of this rubbish.

Nutcase said...

I feel your pain.

Come visit my web site and share your pain with others.


Anonymous said...

Bobby, the Bush (junior) presidency wasn't glorious, but it wasn't as bad as the author asserts.
However, from a strict Libertarian point of view it was a disaster, especially the signing and enactment of the Patriot Act which gives law enforcement agencies (in the widest sense of the word) almost unlimited power over the lives and liberty of individuals.

Bobby said...

Hey JWenting,

"However, from a strict Libertarian point of view it was a disaster,"

---If Bush erred in violating a few civil liberties to prevent terrorism, that's a mistake I can live with.

With Obama he does something everyday that upsets me. Here's just a few.

Green Stimulus Money Costs More Jobs Than It Creates, Study Shows

White House Shrugs Off Obama’s Bow to Saudi King

Obama allows unlimited travel, money transfers to Cuba

Anonymous said...

"---If Bush erred in violating a few civil liberties to prevent terrorism, that's a mistake I can live with."

I'm not so sure. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Ever more often we hear stories about people getting their houses trashed by police raids with no-knock warrants, people getting harassed by police for doing things that are fully legal like photographry, people getting put in custody without charges or access to a lawyer (mostly the TSA does this).
That's not a free country, it's the essence of a police state, and the Patriot Act enables that.

I've cancelled all plans I had (and I was close to booking the hotels, rental cars, and air travel) to travel to the US this year and for the foreseeable future because of that. I no longer feel safe going there, the government oppression is starting too much to look like what I saw first hand in the USSR and GDR in the 1980s.

"With Obama he does something everyday that upsets me. Here's just a few."

Obama gives me the creeps. Bush did bad things by mistake or because he misjudged the consequences, Obama does it deliberately.

Anonymous said...

Liberals are bullies. Plain and simple.

The only way they can respond to ideas other than the ones they agree with is to malign, berate, brow-beat and threaten.

They're ignorant, unevolved Neanderthals. Who must be fought at every opportunity.

But that doesn't mean they not dangerous. They'll use every chance to denigrate a rival's character in an attempt to silence the TRUTH. And deceit is their main weapon.

Anonymous said...

Let me guess... the person who didn't agree with you was a liberal. How telling. If you can't argue your point with intellect, nor argue your point with facts, result in personal attacks. You see this all the time when any liberal debates.

jonjayray said...

"The only problem with Bush was that he was too nice, too decent, too compassionate, too respectful of others."

I agree with that GWB was basically a Christian gentleman before anything else

Bobby said...

Hey JWenting,

"I'm not so sure. The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

---We agree there.

"Ever more often we hear stories about people getting their houses trashed by police raids with no-knock warrants, people getting harassed by police for doing things that are fully legal like photographry, people getting put in custody without charges or access to a lawyer (mostly the TSA does this)."

---That happened mostly to muslims, the rational was that since most terrorists are muslims you had to put pressure on that community. Did we err? I don't know, I don't work in intelligence so I don't know what pressures these people deal with. Imagine your lead about a possible terrorist attack gave you 1,000 suspects. What do you do?

"I no longer feel safe going there, the government oppression is starting too much to look like what I saw first hand in the USSR and GDR in the 1980s."

---You're safe because you're white and from Australia, a partner in the fight against terrorism. If you where from South America, Africa or the middle east, you might have to face a little INS harassment, but for the most part, they'll let you in.

"Obama gives me the creeps. Bush did bad things by mistake or because he misjudged the consequences, Obama does it deliberately."

---That's true, like appointing Caroline Kennedy as ambassador in the Vatican, he knew the Vatican would reject her application because they don't want any activist pro-choice people, but Obama wanted to make a statement on abortion.

What I hate about it is his fakeness, something his supporters and dupes see as authenticity.