Saturday, July 19, 2008

Some strange definitions of "terrorism"

We read:
"A man of my acquaintance was recently in attendance at a kind of educational seminar (for lack of a better term) conducted by the Department of Homeland Security. As a local emergency services provider, he's treated to such events periodically. This time around, along with his "weapons of mass destruction awareness training," he was also informed that those supporting a strict interpretation of the Constitution are terrorists.

Most recently, a high school student who wrote a story for a creative writing class has been accused of making terrorist threats. Now, although I oppose such draconian censorship measures, I wouldn't have been surprised to learn he'd written about some student showing up in school with a gun, or some other student determining to set off a bomb on school grounds. In the age of zero tolerance, the authorities seem to consider the fiction of today the certain fact of tomorrow. But no, this kid wrote about zombies. That's right. He wrote about zombies taking over the school. Given last summer's big success of the movie remake of Dawn of the Dead, perhaps his story wasn't as creative or original as it might have been. But indicative of terrorism? As one of my heroes, John Stossel, would say: Give me a break!



Anonymous said...

"Terrorist" has become a highly emotional term to the thrown at anyone with whose ideas you disagree. As that becomes more and more common the term will lose it's shock value and will eventually disappear, only to be replaced with some other term of PC'rs invention.

Anonymous said...

"Zombies have the same rights to liberty and the pursuit of happiness under the US Constitution as any other constituency, and writing a story which in any way feeds their stereotypical representation as mindless consumers of human brains is not only insensitive to the Zombie Community, but contributes to a hostile community environment and encourages acts of violence against them.

In that light, such works are purely terroristic, and in need of the most urgent redress available through the courts of the land."

-9th Circus Court of Appeals, Sean of the Dead vs. ZALR (Zombie American Living Relations)

/sarcasm off

Anonymous said...

The Zombies, circa 1969

"It's the time of the season"

Actually it sounds like a Barak Obama theme song.

"It's the time of the season
When the love runs high
In this time, give it to me easy
And let me try
With pleasured hands

To take you and the sun to
Promised lands
To show you every one
It's the time of the season for loving

What's your name?
(What's your name?)
Who's your daddy?
(Who's your daddy? He rich?)
Is he rich like me?"