Monday, December 17, 2018

Apple CEO To Ban ‘Sinful’ Conservative Speech. Leaves ‘F*** White People’ and ‘Suck My D*** H**’ on iTunes

Apple CEO Tim Cook defended censorship by claiming it would be a “sin” not to remove content on Apple’s platform, but Apple allows songs like “F*** White People” to stay on iTunes.

Speaking at Anti-Defamation League’s “Never is Now Summit” on Monday, Cook made a bizarre attack on free speech.

“We only have one message for those who seek to push hate, division, and violence,” Cook said. “You have no place on our platform. You have no home here.”

Of course, content that allegedly pushes “division” only applies to conservative content. Cook would be hard-pressed to remove far-left content because conservatives are the ones pushing “division” in the eyes of the left.

In reality, without “division,” the left would simply dominate everyone without opposition, which is clearly big tech’s goal.

If Apple was serious about broadly censoring “hate, division, and violence” without an ideological motive, they wouldn’t allow songs like “F*** White People” and “Suck My D*** H**” to stay on iTunes.

Apple’s platform also has countless mainstream rap songs threatening violence against President Donald Trump.



Anonymous said...

Liberals are overflowing with hate.

Bird of Paradise said...

Liberals dont realy think with a remote in their hand and CNN on the TV and later reading the new York Times and that's why liberals are so dumb and think the world id flat like those Flat Earth crack-pots