Monday, December 10, 2018

An “In God We Trust” sign is causing a serious uproar in one town

It’s found on American currency. It can be seen in one Missouri town’s government chambers. And all it’s done is cause heated debate.

A sign bearing the words “In God We Trust” in the Wentzville city government chambers has led to an intense divide. As explained by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the fight over the sign became worse when neighboring Maryland Heights resident Sally Hunt was escorted by two police officers out of a city council meeting at the direction of Mayor Nick Guccione. Hunt is opposed to the sign and had come to the meeting to speak against its display. When she ran out of time, Guccione made her leave.

According to KMOV, Guccione said he had to stand by his decision to remove Hunt from the meeting the way he did.

“Maybe in hindsight, I should have given a warning to sit down, but you know what, I make a decision, and I have to stand by it,” he said.

While the sign has overwhelming support in the town, several residents expressed displeasure either with the sign or with the way Hunt was removed from the meeting.

The divided opinions on the sign became clear as the public comments section of the meeting began.



Anonymous said...

In the United States, Christians are in the majority and have a right to express their religious views. I am an Atheist, but do not object to the sign.

ScienceABC123 said...

Some people can't conceive of anything greater than themselves or their government.

Bird of Paradise said...

So some little liberal snowflake comes into the City Hall ses's the sign reading IN GOD WE TRUST gets offended and demands it be replaced with IN GAIA WE TRUST typical response from a Eco-Wacko

Anonymous said...

If there was a call for the complainant to have to recite that phrase or otherwise force her to share it unwillingly then she would have a good case. Simply seeing and not liking it though is her problem. If we removed everything that upset anyone then we would have nothing left and if we allow those who do not like things to dictate what can or cannot be shown, said or done we will all have nothing and not be able to do anything and it will still offend because idleness is also offensive.

Spurwing Plover the fighting shorebird said...


Anonymous said...

I have been in a council chamber when a local resident was removed for failing to stop talking when their time allowed for questions expired.
It did not rate international attention. I see no reason why this should.