Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Drug war censorship

It has long been evident that the Drug War is bad for America. Crime in the streets, millions in prison, violations of civil liberties, along with tens of millions of people still using drugs. So where's the benefit?

It turns out that the Drug War also threatens free speech. One of the most important organizations opposing the Drug War is Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, or LEAP. It has started a new blog by a cop who believes he must remain silent, or be fired. He writes:
As an active duty veteran police officer, I would love to publicly join Law Enforcement Against Prohibition and freely speak out against the drug war. However, I am scared, yes scared, to join LEAP publicly. Although many active duty law enforcers are already speaking out publicly with LEAP and maintaining their careers (more on them later), I believe I would be punished by my department for my advocacy or perhaps even fired.

We need a full and honest debate on drug prohibition. Including the participation of law enforcement officers able to speak openly without fear of retaliation.



Dr. No said...

After having spent 34 years with the NYPD, six of those years in Narcotics Enforcement, i can tell you that the so-called "war on drugs" was never meant to be won. Like the Viet Nam war, the war on drugs was meant to be fought, but not won. Why? The oldest reason in the world. MONEY! TONS OF IT!

Back in the 70's and 80's, many US banks (also insurance and real estate companies) made moutains of money doing "laundry" for every major drug dealer around. It was the banks who allowed the drugs to come in using their bought-and-paid-for politicians. Also, it was one of the only ways the banks could have the massive loans they made to countries south of our border repaid.

There is no defense against insatiable greed, especially when the only thing in it's way is a weak and mindless society.

Bird of Paradise said...

Drug dealers need to be sent to prison for life when they sell their poison to youths

Anonymous said...

The single largest income for gangs are the sale of drugs. Legalization of drugs would wipe out their primary income overnight. Not to mention how much it would help our southern neighbor Mexico by crippling the drug cartels.

Anonymous said...

here's a lead for you. A black woman was arrested for booing at a school play due to a song with the word "mammy" in it. Charged with disorderly conduct. Don't know what's worse, her political correctness or being arrested for booing?


Anonymous said...

Would she have booed if the song contained the word, welfare?

Go Away Bird said...