Sunday, January 08, 2012

Black British politician says London taxi drivers are racist

I am not sure she is totally wrong about this. I spent a couple of years in my early days driving taxis part-time out of Sydney's red-light district (King's Cross) and I never knowingly drove past anyone if the cab was vacant but with the amount of black crime in London today I am not so sure that I would stop for everyone now if I were driving in London

But of course her offence was just to mention a racial matter. Truth is no defence in politically correct Britain
"Labour Party chiefs were today looking into a second controversial tweet from MP Diane Abbott after she suggested London cabbies drive past black customers.

Many taxi drivers across the capital were fuming after details of the new gaffe by Britain’s first black woman MP, who is shadow health minister, was revealed.

She sent a message from her iPhone on Tuesday: 'Dubious of black people claiming they’ve never experienced racism. 'Ever tried hailing a taxi I always wonder?'

Steve McNamara, a spokesman for the Licensed Taxi Drivers Association, said: 'This is outdated, racist stereotyping that has no place in a modern, multicultural city like London.

'A lot of drivers are angry today about this, including a black driver who is one of our members, who was outraged. “I think she will have difficulty hailing a cab after this.'



Anonymous said...

The cries of racism are simply meant to cover-up the realities of black crime. This is simply another example of how political correctness is used to hide the truth.

Bird of Paradise said...

Another liberal wacko dragging england down the hole

Anonymous said...

As a mere "white" person I can recall living in London in the 1970s when some surly "white" taxi drivers wouldn't go south of the river at certain times or for what they considered as uneconomically short distances, and of course that had nothing to do with the race. I understand many taxi drivers in London today are not "white" so can't be racist unless they turn away or ignore other groups they don't like for some reason!

Anonymous said...

PS. Not all areas south of the river were "dangerous", it was because there was perhaps less liklihood of a fare back to the center of Town or where they happened to end up late at night.

Go Away Bird said...

British tazis look kind of neat

Anonymous said...

To blacks, everything and everyone they dislike or disagree with is racist, especially when they can get something ($$$) out of it. That just hides the fact that in most cases, it is they who are the racists.

Kee Bird said...

Remember when there used to be SAMBOS RESTRUANTS? and PANCAKES with TIGER BUTTER

Anonymous said...

You will find racism everywhere - if that's what you are looking for.
Didn't get immediate service - racism.
Didn't get special treatment - racism.
Missed the bus - racism.
Didn't get your dream job (mine is Playboy photographer BTW) - racism.
Stubbed your toe - racism.

Anonymous said...

So easy to slip into paranoia when one has a chip on the shoulder about some aspect of physical appearance.