Gov. Haley is of Indian Sikh ancestry
We read:
"South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley isn't retreating from her decision to keep the Confederate flag atop the north end of the Statehouse in Columbia despite complaints from the NAACP, whose president this week said the ethnic minority governor is a "contradiction" for allowing the flag to fly.
Speaking to a crowd at an NAACP national conference in Los Angeles on Monday, NAACP President Benjamin Jealous attempted to shame Haley into removing the flag by comparing African American slavery to oppression Haley's ancestors in India faced under British rule.
The flag has been at the north end of the Statehouse since 2000. It was moved there after legislation passed in response to protests and an NAACP boycott of the state over the flag's position atop the dome of the Statehouse, where it was placed in 1962 by an all-white South Carolina Legislature.
Haley was born in South Carolina, and her spokesman said the decision lies with the people of the Palmetto State.
The NAACP boycott remains in place as a protest to the decision to keep the flag beside a monument honoring fallen Confederate soldiers. Opponents say the flag should be removed completely from Statehouse grounds because it represents slavery and white supremacy.
The National Collegiate Athletic Association has also refused to hold any tournaments in the state since 2001, as long as the Confederate flag continues to fly there.
But others say the flag is a reminder of an important part of South Carolina's history, not to mention that it doesn't violate any laws.
Finally, someone who isn't afraid to stand up to the racist NAACP, which, like it's radical leftist allies in the ACLU, use intimidation, not the law, to get their way. Perhaps this is a sign that there are still some Southerners who really care about their history and traditions. I truly hope so.
How is it racism? The flag doesn't stand for a race. Are you saying that the flag represents anglo-saxans?
It's more of a question of freedom of expression. What if someone wanted to hang a Nazi flag on their house? Is that acceptable?
The fact of the matter is, the flag is associated with slavery.
Where do you draw the line? Is it OK to hang a Swastika flag? If not, then it probably shouldn't be OK to hang something that represents slavery.
Why dont the leftists NAACP just GET A LIFE and quit trying to force the former confederate states to remove their conferate symbols from their flags
A symbol is a unifying implement.
As far as I know it's not against any "law" (in the Unitd States) to display the Nazi Flag or the Confederate "Stars and Bars".
Germany and the rest of the Euroweenie Union do have laws they brand as: "encitement to racial hatred" and therefore it is illegal to display the Swastika.
However, the Europeans have no problem with the Conferedate flag. As a matter of fact the County of Cork in Ireland is known as the "Rebel County" and their fans proudly wave American Confederate flags at sporting events.
irrational people sometimes go overboard in their emotion reactions in seeing those as symbols of something they disagree with.
The south lost.
Why they gotta keep their old flag, they aint gonna rise again like that idiot johnny rebel is always singin about.
What kinda man sings anyway?
oppression Haley's ancestors in India faced under British rule.
Really? It would be more accurate to say, the liberation and modernisation her ancestors faced under the British rule (which, incidentally, abolished slavery in India in 1843).
"What kinda man sings anyway?"
That's silly enough for the troll
There are a heck of a lot of male singers
Anonymous 2:17 said...
"How is it racism? The flag doesn't stand for a race. Are you saying that the flag represents anglo-saxans?"
Read it again. I didn't say their action is racist, even though it is. I said their organization (NAACP) is racist. And the only thing left in the South that represents slavery is, the NAACP, because it's what keeps them in "donations and Fed grants". ($$$)
The oppressed in India/Pakistan were oppressed by their own local rulers and landlords (as they still are today!) rather than being in the British Empire. The local elite benefited hugely from the connection to the british empire and western world.
Even after 60+ years of independence, India and Pakistan still rely heavily on the infra-structure the British provided - re railroads, hospitals, public buildings, etc., as well as civil service, legal and parliamentary sytems, etc., etc., etc.
India still has a lot of indentured service and child-labor, not to mention the oppressive caste system - so much for being the largest "democracy" in the world.
Yes, we in the South lost, but it is still our flag. If you will go back and look, slavery existed under the flag of the United States for a lot longer than it did under the Confederate flag. The NAACP never says anything about slavery and that flag. And technically, that is a Confederate battle flag, not the national flag of the Confederacy.
My G-G-Grandfather was a member of the 6th Georgia Volunteers.
That post does sound like the troll JJR... in fact I'm seein a lot of posts that sound like that troll...
Are you sure he's gone yet?
To a Southerner, the Confederate flag is a reminder of those who fought in and those who lost their lives in lost the Civil War, and the families and friends of those soldiers have every right to honor them.
An ethnic minority that doesn't perceive itself as a perpetual victim... imagine that!
The flag does not stand for slavery its about being free the south didnt want to be apart of the U.S. as did the U.S. to Britain it is a battle flag moron read the history as for as the naacp goes they are racist and bias they should be more concerned with the future of america than to keep bringing up the race card
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