Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Not allowed to dislike being bossed around by a woman?

So a French dancer discovers:
"A pre-dance package showed Feildel's dance partner, Alana Patience, popping into his restaurant to give him some last-minute posture pointers before this week’s performance.

The TV chef was later asked by host Daniel McPherson if he was frustrated having Patience bossing him around in his own kitchen.

Feildel replied: “The problem was that the staff around me, I usually tell them what to do. Suddenly a woman was telling me what to do in front of everyone.”

His comments were met by boos from the crowd with a visibly panicked Feildel unaware of his sexist mishap. Co-host Sonya Kruger later added fuel to the fire when the couple returned backstage and the scores were read. “It’s brilliant. But what would I know? I’m a woman,” Kruger joked.

After the show, a flustered Feildel said he did not stand by the comments and said it was a slip of the tongue. “I didn’t even know what I said before I looked and saw Todd shaking his head at me,” Feildel said. “This time I can blame it on my French accent. I didn’t mean it; in fact I quite like being bossed around by women.”


It seems to me that a woman who goes into a man's workplace and tells him how to behave is at least as insensitive as him saying that he doesn't want to be bossed around by a woman


Anonymous said...

Assuming it was a man ...

Feildel replied: “The problem was that the staff around me, I usually tell them what to do. Suddenly a man was telling me what to do in front of everyone.”

There is still "someone" who is not the regular boss telling the regular boss what to do in front of his subordinates. What does the person's sex have to do with anything? Effing PC pansies!


Anonymous said...

I really despair for humanity.
The guy's dance partner drops into his work to give him some pointers for his performace.
He says he's not used to being bossed around in his kitchen - and specifically by a woman.
Maybe he's never had a female boss. Certainly the top ranks of chefs are dominated by men.
What is wrong with people that they couldn't just chuckle at the comment and had to make a big deal out of it???

Spurwing Plover said...

Bill Clinto had to during his term as co-president under HILLARY