Thursday, June 17, 2010

Must not say that Obama is racially prejudiced?

Even if there is evidence of it -- as in the Crowley/Gates affair?

Iowa Congressman Steve King said the following:

"When you look at this administration, I’m offended by Eric Holder and the president also, their posture. It looks like Eric Holder said that white people in America are cowards when it comes to race,” said King. “And I don’t know what the basis of that is but I’m not a coward when it comes to that and I’m happy to talk about these things and I think we should.”

King added: “But the president has demonstrated that he has a default mechanism in him that breaks down the side of race – on the side that favors the black person.”

That remark got him "uninvited" from a tea-party event. I don't blame the tea partiers. They had to do that given an awareness of how the Left would have abused them over it. And the Democrats are in fact abusing them over it anyway.


Anonymous said...

You're right Jon, the Demoncrats would abuse the Tea Party no matter what their position was, so i can understand their reaction.

Remember, a fact cannot be racist. Having said that, let's not be so quick in labeling Mr. King as a racist. If you take a close (and factual) look at all the official things Obama has done since being elected, you will find that most of those things have something in common. They all, either directly or indirectly, redistribute White America's wealth to black America. Taking from those who earn it, and giving it to those who simply want it. In his first few months in office, he signed a memo granting a "30%" increase in welfare payments. He is now demanding a $24 Billion increase in Medicaid benifits. Are either of those intended for Whites?

Anonymous said...

Iowa, not Ohio.

Anonymous said...

redistribute White America's wealth to black America.

"Wealth" has no color.

Anonymous said...

But the people who get it do.

Anonymous said...

Personally, i hope "yo" president totally destroys this country. He is certainly well-along his way to doing just that. It will take that, and probably much more, to make the weak, mindless American people wake up. Just as one 9/11 attack hasn't made them wake-up to the fact that we're involved in a real religious war, neither will one anti-American president killing their country make them wake up.

Anonymous said...

Anon, that may be why, internationally speaking, Americans are now considered to be some of the dumbest people on the planet, inspite of what they think of themselves, which is always highly over-inflated.