Must not criticize incompetent sport bosses

We read:
"So a team struggles through an epic losing streak and its manager and general manager are somehow rewarded with contract extensions in the middle of it. Meanwhile, a low-level team employee who makes about $100 a month racing around in a pierogi [mock food-item -- see pic above] costume says what we're all thinking on his Facebook page — and promptly loses his job.
"(His message was) aimed at team president Frank Coonelly, general manager Neal Huntington and manager John Russell. It read: 'Coonelly extended the contracts of Russell and Huntington through the 2011 season. That means a 19-straight losing streak. Way to go Pirates.'"
The guy might pick a better team to support now.
It's Amerika, 2010, year 2 of the Obamunism era. The truth has been deemed politically incorrect and is therefor no longer acceptable.
Go ahead and walk into your boss's office and tell him that you think he is making too much money and that he is incompetent.
See if you don't end up out the door and unemployed.
If you can't stand up for what you believe, you have no right to stand at all!
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