Must not speak lightly of oil spills

What next will be "wrong"?
"A new airline ad featuring scantily clad women has been slammed for poking fun at the BP oil disaster. A series of photos featuring oil-drenched women in bikinis appears on the Spirit Airlines’ website with the slogan: "Check Out The Oil On Our Beaches."
The women are accompanied by a green-and-yellow bottle of "Best Protection" 50 SPF sunscreen, with the B and P highlighted to stand out. The ads are promoting a $50 discount on travel to the carrier's coastal destinations: Cancun; Mexico; Fort Lauderdale, Florida; San Juan, Puerto Rico; and Atlantic City.
When given lemons, make lemonade. Whoever came up with that marketing idea should get a raise!
One of the things that's destroying our society is that we're all becoming so sensitive to just about everything and anything. It's the result of our addiction to political correctness, and it's all phony! There's nothing wrong with these ads, which can not be said for the nitwits complaining about them.
Do you really think we're too sensitive?
LOGAN, Utah 6/21/10 (ABC 4 News) -
The text message to Anna Hansen from her sister Jennifer Willhite was meant to be a joke about Hansen’s cosmetic surgery, according to Willhite’s attorney.
“I think people need to get a thicker skin… there’s no crime that has been committed, we just think it’s ridiculous quite frankly,” attorney Shannon Demler told ABC 4 on Thursday.
The text said that because of Hansen’s new breast implants, she could now apply for a job at the Hooter’s restaurant. Hansen was offended by the text and went to Smithfield City Police Department with her complaint.
Authorities charged Willhite with Electronic Communications Harassment, a Class B Misdemeanor.
Don't people have better things to get all worked up about?
Next thing you know Whoopie Goldberg will be slamming this commercial on "The View" and millions of dumb people will be watching.
people that take offense are easily manipulated
"Next thing you know Whoopie Goldberg will be slamming this commercial on "The View" and millions of dumb people will be watching."
Not dumb people, dumb women.
All I have to say is that ad picture honestly makes me want to go to the beach and soon.
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