Hate-filled old hag lets slip what most of her fellow journalists probably think

She has obviously become less cautious with age. She puts the mask back on in her evasive "apology" but it is her spontaneous comments that are most convincing about what she really thinks.
"Veteran White House correspondent Helen Thomas has retired after coming under fire for controversial remarks about Israel. The decision by 89-year-old Thomas, the longest-serving reporter in the White House press corps, was announced by Hearst Corp, where she worked as a newspaper columnist.
Thomas, who served for decades as the White House correspondent for United Press International (UPI), apologised last week for the remarks she made about Israel during a May 27 "Jewish Heritage Celebration" at the White House.
Asked at the event by the website RabbiLive.com whether she had any "comments on Israel", Thomas replied: "Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine. "Remember these people are occupied and it's their land, not German and not Poland. "They can go home, Poland, Germany, and America and everywhere else."
White House spokesman Robert Gibbs overnight described the remarks as "offensive and reprehensible" and Thomas issued an apology on her website, HelenThomas.org.
"I deeply regret my comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians," she said. "They do not reflect my heart-felt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognise the need for mutual respect and tolerance. May that day come soon."
Yid with lid has the video plus more background. Someone should offer her a free ticket to Gaza, as long as she stays there.
Comment from a correspondent:
"The thing that really upsets me about Helen is that for more than 30 years the entire media has known full well of her hatred, of her anti-semitism - and they did nothing. It was no secret - they all knew; every one of them heard her, everyone was fully aware of it. And yet not once did the MSM broadcast this - we were forced to do it ourselves.
It wasn't a CNN, CBS, NBC or ABC cameraman that taped this truth about Helen; instead, it was an independent cameraman trotting alongside her on the sidewalk that taped in 30 seconds what the media has refused to tape for 30 years - the truth about Helen's hatred, her anti-semitism.
They all knew, each and every one of them knew about her hatred for decades - and yet they did nothing"
This was not merely a slip of the tongue!
Luke 6:45 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.
Odd, albeit not at all surprising, how those in the leftist MSM who demand the total truth from everyone else, work so hard at keeping it from the people when it concerns themselves. How often do we read stories about all the drunks, drug addicts, wife-beaters, cheaters, liars, etc. in the media? Apparently, we're supposed to believe that unlike the rest of us, those in the MSM are pure and above the faults that plague we mere mortals.
Some day, people are going to wake up and demand that a "very close" look be taken at the media, especially how they routinely abuse the rights and protections they enjoy, rights and protections that are far too generous.
out of the abundance of her heart her mouth speaks
yes, garbage in = garbage out
Obama always seems to have the 'greatest' friends. Look at their characters for God's sake. Look at his former mentor of many years and pastor. Show me one honest person he knows, gosh even his relatives are illegal aliens.
yes, remember according to MLK jr we are to judge people not by outward appearance but by character. Obama FAILS this test.
Maybe her antisemitic attitude started after a Jewish plastic surgeon worked on her face.
"yes, remember according to MLK jr we are to judge people not by outward appearance but by character. Obama FAILS this test."
And Helen Thomas fails both (imo Obama does too, but tastes do differ and I guess some people swoon over his face as they do over his sweettalking lies) :)
What can you do about anybody's hatred?
The post is interesting. Keep blogging!!
This is Ibrahim from Israeli Uncensored News
What i find more offensive than the idiotic remarks by this old leftist is the fact that "all" her colleagues in the equally leftist media said and did nothing all these years. IMO, that makes them just as guilty as she is. This should prove something to the few fools out there who still think there's a shred of honesty left in the MSM.
As for Obummer, don't blame him for what he's doing to the US. Blame the weak, mindless, and gullible American voters for believing all the lies that he, and the MSM fed them. Even people in 3rd world countries are not that dumb.
Dennis Miller (on the O'Reilly factor) had a classic remark about the old hag:
"Helen was the créme-de-la-créme of the White House reporters. At least we can be reasonably sure she didn't 'sleep' her way to the top"!
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