A Republican ignoramus
He calls himself a redneck but that defames rednecks. Sikhs and some Muslims wear cloth headcoverings but Sikhs are a warrior people with a proud history of indomitable resistance to Islam and nobody who knew anything about Sikhs would mistake a Sikh turban for Muslim garb.

"On June 4 2010 during an internet political talk show, South Carolina Senator John M. Knotts Jr., repeatedly used the term “raghead” while referring to State Representative Nikki Haley, searing the consciousness of Sikh and Muslim communities in South Carolina and throughout the nation.
Haley is of Sikh descent and converted to Christianity when she was 24. The racially charged comments were targeted at Haley because she was running for the GOP nomination for Governor for the State of South Carolina, which she eventually won.
Staff Attorney Hansdeep Singh stated that “Senator Knotts’ own words reveal a deep seeded mistrust and anger towards those with external religious identities, even when he is ignorant about the group he is attacking. This is evidenced by his comments that ‘we’re are at war over there,’ as he erroneously tried to make a link between Ms. Haley’s turban wearing Sikh father and the war being waged against terrorists.
More here
Knotts now seems to be on the road to being thrown out of the GOP as offending Sikhs really is quite unforgiveable. The term "raghead" seems a fairly mild expletive to me but if it is offensive to your friends it is brainless.
Rep. Haley's conversion to Christianity is also deserving of respect. Like Christianity, Sikhism is a monotheistic faith and the move from Sikhism to Christianity is not a long road. Although it has its origins in the 15th century, Sikhism is in fact a rather modern religion in that Sikh teaching emphasizes the principle of equality of all humans and rejects discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, and gender.
The term raghead is quite an insult for a Sikh as it indicates an Arab and Muslim.
To a Sikh, being identified as an Arab (and a Muslim to beat) is one of the gravest insults that can be made, especially as the Sikh have been persecuted for their religious and social identity by Arabs (and other Muslims) for centuries.
I live in NYC which, thanks to our fascist mayor and his sanctuary-city policy, has become somewhat of a third-world country, with almost more foreigners than Americans.
About a year ago, my neighbor and i were sitting on his porch watching a new family move in across the street. (we have both been living here for over 35 years) The people moving in, a husband, wife, and two teenage daughters, are Sikhs from India. About an hour after the moving truck left, the man came out with a ladder, which he put against the wall of his new brick home and was attaching something to the wall. He then went back into the house. My friend and i were puzzled as to why someone would be doing any work after being there for only an hour.
After about 10 minutes, the man came out with a rather large (and new) American flag which he mounted in a flag holder on his wall. Aside from mine and my neighbors flags, his is the only other one in the neighborhood.
We've watched these people for a year now. They are quiet, polite, and friendly. The girls go to school every day. The man goes off to work early in the morning, and comes home around midnight. And the wife? She's out there every day sweeping and cleaning their small piece of property, something none of the other foreigners do.
I just thought i'd share my experience with Sikhs with you for whatever it's worth.
Sikhs are good people
We still call Rag Heads "Pull Starts" as opposed to Dot Heads who are clearly "Push Starts". Is that wrong?
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