People who oppose Obamacare are “domestic terrorists"?
A post saying so went up on the MyBarackObama website about a week ago. It got too much attention, however, so has now been removed. It is even out of the Google cache by now. It's the sort of hate speech that conservatives are used to from the Left. Christians are regularly called "Taleban" etc. But apparently it was a bit too blatant to have it on the site of the "healer" himself.
That pesky Warner Todd Huston, one of my fellow bloggers at STACLU, however, caught a screenshot of it and I reproduce the relevant bit below

It appears that when Leftists protest and demonstrate, that is exercising their democratic rights. But when conservatives protest and demonstrate, that is subverting the democratic process.
What utter crooks and hatemongers the Left are!
From Leftism 101:
Anon, 2:37:
Same tired crap from the right.
Anon 4:08
Same response from the mindless, Kool-Aid gulping, puppets from the left. Don't you wish you could think for your self? But alas, you're a leftist, so you can't.
Timeless Wisdom
In 1907, 102 years before the Obamunist Error was a gleam in George Soros' eye, a prescient president, Theodore Roosevelt, seemed to see it coming and tried to warn us:
"The mania for giving the Government power to meddle with the private affairs of cities or citizens is likely to cause endless trouble, through the rivalry of schools and creeds that are anxious to obtain official recognition, and there is great danger that our people will lose our independence of thought and action which is the cause of much of our greatness, and sink into the helplessness of the Frenchman or German who expects his government to feed him when hungry, clothe him when naked, to prescribe when his child may be born and when he may die, and, in time, to regulate every act of humanity from the cradle to the tomb, including the manner in which he may seek future admission to paradise."
Again, it was rude to call him a liar. It was also rude to show up 15-20 minutes late.
Your call!
Thank you Bobby. If "it" wasn't a leftist it would have been able to figure that out for "it" self.
Anonymous said...
"Again, it was rude to call him a liar. It was also rude to show up 15-20 minutes late."
It was rude of Obama to show up late, but it wasn't rude of him to lie to the American people? There's something very wrong with this society.
Bobby, please get back on your meds.
"Bobby, please get back on your meds."
---Yes, typical liberal, anyone who disagrees with St. Socialist must obviously be off his medication.
I'm glad to see your inner-fascist coming out. Heil Obama! Obama uber alles!
Jesus was a liberal.
Typical rightists, bashing anyone who does not agree with them and calling them a liberal. You rightists will never win elections if you bash us moderates. I do not take kindly to name calling.
Anon said:
"It was rude of Obama to show up late, but it wasn't rude of him to lie to the American people? "
But if he is not allowed to lie, how can he even talk??
Anon 2:29,
You're a moderate? How would we know? We can't distinguish you from anyone else because you hide behind "Anonymous", not even an anonymous handle.
You might be a "moderate", but there are certainly leftists here who could be considered "moderate" only if FDR was as far right as the spectrum goes, and he was on the left side of the full spectrum. As far as I can tell, you probably fall into this category.
Anon 1:58,
"Jesus was a liberal."
Which definition of "liberal" are you using? The classical late 1700's definition? Or the modern leftists definition?
If it's the latter, then you should try reading the Bible sometime.
Hey, would some of you drive by posters clean up your language a bit? You don't have use vulgarisms. It is possible to communicate without them.
"then you should try reading the Bible sometime."
There are more interesting works of fiction I would rather read.
If you prefer fiction to non-fiction, that is your right.
"In fact, there are no "conservatives" and "progressives," there are Americans and un-Americans. There are no "traditional values" versus "progressive values," there are those who have values and those who do not. There is not traditional morality and new morality; there is only morality and immorality. There is no "Right" and "Left," there is only right and wrong! And the Left, personified today by Barack Hussein Obama, is horribly, horribly wrong."
– James Simpson "America Spoke", in the American Thinker
I said, "Typical rightists, bashing anyone who does not agree with them and calling them a liberal. You rightists will never win elections if you bash us moderates. I do not take kindly to name calling."
We The People spewed forth, "Hey, look at the pot calling the kettle black. By blaming others for what you do, you gave yourself away as a leftist, and child of Satan."
You prove my point, Mr. We The People.
I'm outta here. Not even moderates can carry on a conversation here. Wallow in your misery for the next 7.5 years.
A magical substance that can confer instant victimhood, no matter how accomplished, successful, wealthy or popular the individual might be. The more melanin one has, the greater the victimhood.
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