Friday, February 27, 2009

Political censorship in Australia

Abortion is of course a hot political issue
"The revelation in a Senate committee hearing came as questions were asked about why the Australian Communications and Media Authority blacklisted content from an anti-abortion website.

Opposition broadband spokesman Nick Minchin said a single complaint sparked the ban, which raised serious questions about how Labor's compulsory internet filter would operate.

A Senate hearing was told on Monday night that only one page of the website had been blacklisted for showing graphic pictures of dismembered fetuses and for not putting them into context.


More details here


Anonymous said...

A Senate hearing was told on Monday night that only one page of the website had been blacklisted for showing graphic pictures of dismembered fetuses and for not putting them into context.

Yep, 'cause we all know that with images of aborted babies, it's all about "context."

Anonymous said...

I gather that taking pills are enough to abort fetuses, so no need for gruesome surgical interventions.

Anonymous said...

I'm curious. What would Labor say was a proper context for showing dismembered fetuses?