A feminine female speaks out

Such a change from the man-hating rants we hear from feminists of ambiguous sexuality:
"Australian glamour girl Anna Rawson said she was trying to promote golf in a radio interview in which she referred to past female players as "dykes". Rawson, who spends time as a catwalk model, magazine cover girl and writer on top of her golfing career, is playing in this week's ANZ Ladies Masters at Royal Pines.
She came under fire for her poorly chosen comments aired by NOVA 5AA in Adelaide on Wednesday. "The tour has got so much better with so many young stars and great players,'' Rawson told the radio station in an interview arranged by her father Jim. "But the mentality unfortunately amongst the media and the industry hasn't changed. "They still think we're at 25 years ago when the tour was full of, you know, a lot of dykes and unattractive females nobody wanted to watch.''
Rawson, 27, who divides her time living in Adelaide and playing and modelling in Los Angeles, has a history of making controversial comments. Last year she told one of America's biggest selling men's health magazines that she had "penis envy''. "I could never be with a woman, because I'm just fascinated by what men can do with their bodies that we can't,'' she said before admitting: "This interview will definitely get me in trouble.'
What a babe! As Wayne and Garth of Wayne's World would say, "SCHWING!" And if she does get in too much trouble for her comments, and it's decided she needs to be punished, I volunteer to give her her spanking. ;)
If I understand the concept of karma correct, it sounds to me like 'Anonymous' should be very careful in the near future. I don't wish anything bad for him/her. but the anger and vitriol from such comment posting leaves me to wonder if they have any happiness in their life for others.
Anonymous 1: When you throw a stone at a pack of dogs the one that yelps the loudest is the one that got hit.
It appears that perhaps the comments struck a nerve.
Anon 1,
It's comments like yours that change "homophobia" from an inaccurate characterization of a principled position defending historic marriage to a necessity for self-preservation.
It's no longer a secret that most professional female athletes are gay. Apparently, we can add anon-1 to that list.
I detect some bitch-slapping going on in this comments site.
Sure. And Ben Hogan was a transey according to some.
LOL !! The truth is always funny.
"It's comments like yours that change "homophobia" from an inaccurate characterization of a principled position defending historic marriage to a necessity for self-preservation."
---Since 70% of blacks are raised by unmarried single-mothers, I don't think self-preservation is a problem. The problem is people breeding too much, like that woman in California with 14 babies.
"I don't wish anything bad for him/her. but the anger and vitriol from such comment posting leaves me to wonder if they have any happiness in their life for others."
---My anger is no different than the guy who posts "thank God for AIDS" every once in a while. And maybe I went a bit too far, but I resent some no-good aussie bimbo becoming a golfer and then bitching about lesbians.
"---My anger is no different than the guy who posts "thank God for AIDS" every once in a while. And maybe I went a bit too far, but I resent some no-good aussie bimbo becoming a golfer and then bitching about lesbians."
Your anger is no different then the idiot who posts 'thank God for AIDS". It is just as wrong and hateful. You disagree with her opinion, which is fine. I disagree with yours. It is the way you objected to her opinion that I take issue with. Aren't more inclined to accept my disagreement with you if I don't attack you personally?
"Since 70% of blacks are raised by unmarried single-mothers…"
What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? Or concerns that radical homosexuals might turn my life upside down or even kill me for daring to disagree with them?
Talk about a non sequitur!
You're right, Brian. I can disagree without being disagreeable, point taken.
"Or concerns that radical homosexuals might turn my life upside down or even kill me for daring to disagree with them?"
---I was responding to Ed, who mentioned the the golfer was defending "a principled position defending historic marriage to a necessity for self-preservation."
My argument is that historic marriage has nothing to do with self-preservation.
"…who mentioned the the golfer was defending…"
Nope. Go back and reread what I wrote. I did not say that the this is what the golfer was arguing. Though I was somewhat unclear on this point, I was referring to how the word "homophobia" is incorrectly applied to anyone who opposes same sex marriage. This is the first half of my argument.
"My argument is that historic marriage has nothing to do with self-preservation."
(So two men getting it on will produce children for the future?)
The second half of my argument is that hateful comments like yours are a darned good reason to actually be afraid of homosexuals.
In other words:
"Homophobia" ≠ "principled position against same sex marriage"
"Violence and threats of violence from homosexuals" = "Legitimate reason for fear" = "Homophobia"
Your response had nothing to do with my argument. Therefore, it's a non sequitur.
The New York Times recently ran this article. Given their pro-homosexual bias, you know it has be obvious for them to actually report things that make their side look bad:
"For the backers of Proposition 8, the state ballot measure to stop single-sex couples from marrying in California, victory has been soured by the ugly specter of intimidation.
"Some donors to groups supporting the measure have received death threats and envelopes containing a powdery white substance, and their businesses have been boycotted."
Not to mention those driven out of their jobs.
So, where are your statistics about homosexuals murdered because they're homosexual?
That's not statistics or actual studies.
Anecdotes aren't the same thing as data, but there is one anecdote the pro homosexual crowd frequently points to as the poster boy for so-called gay bashing, Matthew Shepard. There's just one problem with this anecdote, it isn't true. According to interviews with the perps, he was beaten to death over drugs and money fueled by meth induced rage, not because he was "gay".
"But Shepard's killers, in their first interview since their convictions, tell "20/20's" Elizabeth Vargas that money and drugs motivated their actions that night, not hatred of gays."
"Former Laramie Police Detective Ben Fritzen, one of the lead investigators in the case, also believed robbery was the primary motive. "Matthew Shepard's sexual preference or sexual orientation certainly wasn't the motive in the homicide," he said.
""If it wasn't Shepard, they would have found another easy target. What it came down to really is drugs and money and two punks that were out looking for it," Fritzen said."
(So two men getting it on will produce children for the future?)
---No, thank God! At least some people aren't contributing to the population explosion.
"The second half of my argument is that hateful comments like yours are a darned good reason to actually be afraid of homosexuals."
---I hear hateful comments against homosexuals and against homosexuality on this and many other sites. I'm not afraid of free speech, why are you?
Hate speech and "hate" crimes are not the same.
Just as I thought; gay-bashing is never gay-bashing, it has some other reason. Talk about Orwellian-speak
Just as I thought; if the victim is homosexual, it's always "gay bashing," even if the perp didn't know or care about their sexual orientation; not even if the evidence says that the attack wasn't.
So far from you we've had absolutely zero references to evidence or studies. Why should any of us believe your bald assertions?
You've giving a very convincing portrayal of someone who lives by the dictum, "Don't confuse me with the facts. My mind is already made up."
That's rich when clearly that's your dictum too!
Obviously you missed my links to actual evidence. They're still available here in these comments.
You: Assertions, no evidence
Me: Assertions, links to evidence to back up those assertions
See a difference here? That difference matters.
Yeah - like the accused deny "hate crimes" coz that may involve heavier sentences! - Get real man!
Hello!?! It's not just his killers that claim it wasn't a hate crime. The lead investigator also says it wasn't a hate crime.
Referring back to the ABC News article:
"While McKinney and Henderson admit to killing Shepard, both men -- and the man who prosecuted the case -- now say the real story is not what it seemed."
"Former Laramie Police Detective Ben Fritzen, one of the lead investigators in the case, also believed robbery was the primary motive. "Matthew Shepard's sexual preference or sexual orientation certainly wasn't the motive in the homicide," he said.
"If it wasn't Shepard, they would have found another easy target. What it came down to really is drugs and money and two punks that were out looking for it," Fritzen said."
Furthermore, they were not at risk for hate crime penalties because Wyoming has no such law. There is also not a federal law which applies.
And of course, you've ignored the rest of the evidence, too. (New York Times, etc.)
So, when you propose to produce some actual evidence supporting your bald assertions? Or is it too hard because there isn't any?
There are numerous cases of gay bashing around the world and also in the US - you chose this example to imply all others were dubious.
I'm sure there are actual cases of gay bashing out there. However, you claimed that they are pervasive. I doubt that there are nearly as many as you seem to think. So I asked you for statistics.
I also decided to preempt you a bit, guessing that you would point to the Matthew Shepherd case, a favorite case of supposed "gay bashing."
Still waiting on those statistics and evidence…
Maria who is the Rental Agent at Sahara Palms Apts. Protect Rapist Daniell Grant, for some unknow reason.Thier relationship is unknow at this time. She was over heard laughing at how The Victim was tormented and RAPED she thought it was funny how Grant talked about victim.Ms Grant who resides at the apts. Danielle Grant 23, of Las Vegas is a RAPIST, she and another man used a date rape drug on Victim at Sahara Palms Apartments 2900 El Camino ave. apt 170, Danielle L Grant sodomized the victim with a plunger. She is lite skinned 4'6 to 4'7 and she drives a Black Ford Focus, She works as an dental assistant during day. STOP her please. Victim is too ashamed to tell Police. Memory just now coming back. Danielle L Grant MUST BE STOPED. She is a drug addict and dealer ( Lortab and Meth,weed ) sometimes works as a Vegas Escort/Prostitute when she needs money. If you have information on her criminal activities Please contact the Las Vegas Police Dept.
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