Monday, February 23, 2009

Cartoonists treading lightly when drawing Obama

We read:
"Cartoonist Lalo Alcaraz was in front of a classroom full of black and Latino kids, drawing presidents. He sketched Bush, then Clinton. Next came his favorite, the man he voted for: Obama.

"Hey, those lips are big," Alcaraz heard a black girl say from the back of the room. Alcaraz was disturbed. "I try to bend over backwards not to make him look like a cartoon stereotype," and certainly not a racial stereotype, he said.

Editorial cartoonists are bending over backwards a lot these days, as they try to satirize the nation's first black president. And when they don't, the result is the kind of outcry that erupted this week after a New York Post cartoon featured a bloody chimpanzee-intentionally or unintentionally evoking racist images of the past.

The problem is, cartoonists make their living by making fun of people-especially presidents-and exaggerating their features and foibles.

The late Herblock often saddled Richard Nixon with an enormous cartoon nose. Liberals drew George W. Bush like a simpleton, or worse. There have been minor kerfluffles from the left about drawing Hillary Clinton as insufficiently feminine, and from the right about depicting Condoleeza Rice as servile to President Bush.

Drawings of President Barack Obama, however, must contend with America's history of degrading racial imagery, from ape comparisons to enormous "Sambo" lips. (Caricatures of the president's admittedly large ears have so far escaped scrutiny.) Michael Cavna, who blogs about comics for The Washington Post, wrote that "an unnerving number of North America's political cartoonists are bizarrely obsessed with President Obama's lips." He followed with a detailed analysis of several cartoons where Obama's lips were large, some shade of blue, or both.

Scott Statis, editorial cartoonist for The Birmingham (Ala.) News, said he received several complaints this week that his Obama drawings look "simian." As a conservative in a city that's 77 percent black, Statis has learned to consider the feelings of his audience. "Being the typical American editorial cartoonist-doughy, white, middle-aged-I'm more than willing to accept that I don't know what may or may not be offensive," he said. "But editorial cartoons are supposed to be offensive, and provocative. We're entering new waters here. What can you use or not use?"



Anonymous said...

Personally, i find it amusing that the steady and not-so-slow erosion of our freedoms is now hitting the so-called news media, who were among the main suppliers of Kool-Aid during the Yobama campaign. It brings to mind an old saying,

Be careful what you wish for, because you may just get it!

Anonymous said...

The very fact that they are watching how they protray him is a form of racism. The cartoonist's job is to shock people into thinking. How is this going to be possible anymore? This president is half black, just deal with it! If there have never been any rules in the past, there should not be any now. People like Al Sharpton will just have to get used to the idea that the prez is now in the big leagues, complete with a whole new set of standards.

Anonymous said...

What race-pimps like Al $harptongue, and their White, left-wing supporters are actually doing with their rants, is setting the ground rules for the future. With Yobama in the WH, and the far-left in control of congress, they know this is the best opportunity they may ever have, so they will try and get as much as possible in the next four years. (laws passed, grants, social programs, etc.) They know that even if we never again have a black president, no one would dare take back what they've mamaged to get.

Just stop and think of how many "temporary" social programs have been initiated over these last decades to help the so-called poor. Have you ever seen one stopped or rolled back?

Anonymous said...

Hey, Attorney General Eric Holder, THIS is why Americans are scared of mentioning the color of a person!

Anonymous said...

Just stop and think of how many "temporary" social programs have been initiated over these last decades to help the so-called poor. Have you ever seen one stopped or rolled back?

That's OK. When the government finally defaults on its bonds and goes officially bankrupt, all those leftist programs will then go unfunded, and we'll be rid of them that way. The trick will be to avoid becoming wiped out along with the government.

Anonymous said...

"America's first black president..."

Does anyone even care that he's just as much white as he is black? Think about it.

Anonymous said...

Bush was represented as a chimp in many cartoons. What's good for the goose...

Anonymous said...

Screw obama they treat him like some freakin god when he is nothing but a 24 karit phonie

Anonymous said...

What is really grotesque about the "chimp cartoon" brouhaha is that the chimp didn't represent Obama. It represented the one(s) who wrote the stimulus legislation. That would be Nancy Pelosi and/or Harry Reid.