Wicked Australian realtor mentions that most burglars and home invaders in the USA are black

On my Gun Watch blog I report countless incidents of burglary and home invasion in the U.S. and something like 90% of the perpetrators are blacks. The newspaper does not always report the race of the offender but they often supply a picture of him that fulfils the same function. And in other cases the Christian names are unmistakeably "black". Non-Americans would very rarely be aware of the districtive names that black mothers in the USA give to their children but few Americans would be unaware of it.
So I actually give the realtor some credit for being able to make a joke out of such an appalling crime situation.
The Leftist solution of denial and coverup is psychologically unwell and solves nothing. But it is for failing to participate in that foolish attempt at a coverup that the lady is being criticized.
"A Blackwood real estate agent has drawn fire over a newspaper column containing a racially offensive joke about a black man being elected to the White House. Jo Lemmer, of Century 21, is known for trying to inject wit into house descriptions and for her pursuit of a high profile. Her column about new US President Barack Obama, in this month's Blackwood Times, begins: "There's a black man in the White House and the good news is this one's not breaking in!" She calls him a "glam tanned man" with "6 fab abs" who is "smokin' in his boardies".
Equal Opportunity Commissioner Linda Matthews said it was a comment which she considered offensive but unlikely to attract legal penalties. "If you're black, you're a thief, is essentially the implication," she said yesterday. "The best way to deal with it is for people to point out how offensive it is. Even though she's trying to be funny, I appreciate that those comments aren't funny to the people who are the targets of them."
Reconciliation SA co-chairman Professor Peter Buckskin said the first sentence of the column was "offensive to people of colour". "It continues to seed in people's minds that, in the main, people of colour are deviants," he said. "It's not helpful in trying to appreciate diversity and that everyone needs to be treated respectfully."
The column praises Mr Obama and his family and says of the result of the presidential election: "The racial gap closed substantially from that moment on and history aside this is a giant step for mankind and one that like me I am sure you are happy to take."
"If you're black, you're a thief, is essentially the implication" is a deliberate misinterpretation. The implication is that home invaders are usually black. And that is simply the truth.
In a big city like philadelphia, 1/2 to 1/3 of black males have come into contact with the legal system.
If we act like they might be criminals we are called racist when in fact we are realists.
What's more offensive, her statement, or the fact that it's true? In spite of what bleeding-heart leftists tell you, a fact can not be racist or anti-semetic. Those who have turned "victimization" into a business won't like that, but it's only because they reject reality.
Its like the old joke over here
"what do you call a scouser (Native of liverpool) in a suit ?
The accused"
What makes real bigotry offensive is that it is based on LIES ("Blacks are inherently inferior because of the pigmentation of their skin", "Women are inherently inferior because they are women", "Conservatives are evil because they dissent from our grand plans for society and economy", etc.). What the realtor said is funny because it has an element of truth to it. It wouldn't be funny if it lacked that element of truth.
The best one about the Obamas that I heard was the one saying "Another black family in government housing"
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