UK: Atheist ads "not breaking code"

All sorts of speech are restricted in Britain but atheist speech is OK apparently:
"An atheist UK bus campaign which uses the slogan `There's probably no God' does not breach the advertising code, a watchdog has ruled. The Advertising Standards Authority said it had assessed 326 complaints. Some claimed the wording was offensive to people who followed a religion.
But the body concluded the adverts were unlikely to mislead or cause widespread offence and closed the case. The 140,000 pound ad campaign was launched by the British Humanist Association."
At that rate it would be OK if I financed ads on British buses saying: "There's probably no such thing as healthy homosexuality". Ya think?
Why didn't I think of this? From one of the commenters on this post:
"If some can say there is no God, Can I say “There is no Allah and Mohammad wasn’t his messenger”?"
Now that WOULD be fun!
I'd contribute to your campaign signs Jon.
Me too! I would give to your campaign. I would also contribute to your bail ... you would surely get thrown in jail for inciting hate or some other charge.
No - homosexuals, atheists and muslims refer to real humans/citizens - God doesn't.
(Does a supposedly omnipotent god need legal protection from humans?)
If one of the compliants identified himself as muslim then the ads would had to come down.
What would happen if one of the bus drivers refused to drive a bus with that sign on it?
I seem to recall a number of posts where an advert is canceled because of the consternation of up to 23 people calling and complaining about hairdo/background music/etc.
What are the odds that more than 23 people would call in about this?
At that rate it would be OK if I financed ads on British buses saying: "There's probably no such thing as healthy homosexuality". Ya think?
I love the idea!
If some can say there is no God, Can I say “There is no Allah and Mohammad wasn’t his messenger”?
Fair is fair.
The other Mobius
"Christianity is probably true. Atheists and Muslims will probably burn in Hell for rejecting Jesus"
No ________ (insert any religion) would put this sign up because it defies the very tenant of the religion as being "True". To question this is all that Atheists need to continue, for we have weighed the evidence "for" and "against" religion and have found the "for" to lacking.
"What would happen if one of the bus drivers refused to drive a bus with that sign on it?"
You know, that's an excellent point. how would this be any different from a non-smoker driving a bus with a Marlboro ad on the side? Or a non-drinker driving a bus with a Smirnoff ad on the side?
Anyone know the legalities of this?
The driver should get another job if he/she won't do the one he/she was employed to do.
What if they made the same sign with the same exact wording but printed it in Arabic?
"You know, that's an excellent point. how would this be any different from a non-smoker driving a bus with a Marlboro ad on the side? Or a non-drinker driving a bus with a Smirnoff ad on the side?"
Anyone that sensative, (or that addicted to PC) shouldn't have the job!
"What would happen if one of the bus drivers refused to drive a bus with that sign on it?"
This has happened - the bus driver ( a committed Christian) asked his employer if he could take out other busses that did not contain the advert.
His empleyer agreed - end of story
So a "committed" muslim can demand to stop the bus and pray to Allah at the appointed times. I won't be surprized when this happens!
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