Another Southern tradition is incorrect (But of course!)

We read:
"State NAACP President Edward Vaughn objects to having Mobile's Azalea Trail Maids as Alabama's only group in the upcoming presidential inaugural parade, saying they remind him of slavery days - a characterization that Trail Maids supporters decry. Vaughn said he thinks that Alabama will be a "laughingstock" at the Jan. 20 inauguration. He made his comments in a front-page Montgomery Advertiser story published Thursday.
Vaughn suggested that the Trail Maids' costumes - hoop dresses with matching bonnets and parasols - reflect the state's slavery past and have no place at the inauguration of the first African-American president, Barack Obama.
This year's Trail Maids include eight black members, two maids of Indian descent, one Asian and 39 whites, said Andy Marasca, president of the group. Marasca said he learned of Vaughn's concerns from local media.
"The Trail Maids do not represent the Confederacy or antebellum times but reflect the beauty of Mobile and its 300-plus years of fascinating history," commissioners said in a statement. The first Trail Maid court was formed in 1949, according to the group's Web site.
I must say that they look a bit over the top to me but I am a long way away from Alabama.
How come Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and just about every "ethnic" group is allowed to celebrate their heritage, yet when Whites do so, it's considered racist? The time of prosperity in the South prior to the Civil War was not all about slavery. People managed to eek out great livings without slaves.
Just another example of pulling the race card for sake of publicity.
For some people, anything south of the Mason-Dixon line reminds them of slavery, everything.
Not sure why they do this but from a parade standpoint I think they look cool. My bet is these ladies also have other things they do and most are either social or charitable. Of course the NAACP is more hateful than many they protest.
The girl in yellow looks black, and I don't see any shackles, and she seems to be smiling.
I'm guessing she is not a slave. Maybe she didn't know she was being humiliated until the NAACP told her....
Is it just me, or does that picture look like a bunch of guys in dresses?
"Is it just me, or does that picture look like a bunch of guys in dresses?"
OH Doc,
Let's not encourage the NAACP to start that racist Al Jolsen & Amos and Andy crap!
kfd211, being afraid of "inciting" the naacp is why you have to defend your flag in the first place. Even though i'm a yankee, i've been amazed at how southerners have allowed that honorable flag to be turned into something shameful, which it is not! Why would you be so worried about inciting (your opinion) an organization who's sole purpose is to incite? If you sir, are an example of the "new south", i think we can be asured it will never rise again!
although the naacp is a org. your comments don't help at all. I woke up to the fact that no matter how softly you try to walk around blacks and bend to whatever happends to be their latest demand there is no pleasing them. So now I just call it like I see it. You don't see whites making new demands on blacks every other day or having skin so thin you can see through it. We just try to fit into our society and so should they. Sorry if it upsets your appeasement policy. Stormewaters
Hell, some of my ancestors were brought to America against their will and made to do forced labor in James Oglethorpe's pennal colony in what is now Georgia. Other of my ancestors were Comanches and Cherokees; and we all know what happened to the "indegenous people" of the Americas. Not only did my ancestors never own slaves, they likely never even saw one. I am deeply sorry that black Africans were captured by other black Africans and sold into the abominable institution of slavery; but de jure slavery has not existed in the United States since the War Between the States. We just elected a (half) black man to the presidency. The last two Secretaries of State have been black. It is finally time to move on.
They will never move on. There will always be a Sharpton or a Jesse to keep racism alive. Why? It gives them power and it's a moneymaker.
Same with Israel and Hamas. If there was peace, then Hamas would have no purpose. They can't have that, so they routinely launch rockets to break up those pesky cease fires. Only now, I think Israel understands and is doing what probaby should have been done years ago.
Sadly, we don't really have that option against race mongerers.
Sharpton or a Jesse
The worst thing imaginable for either of these two gentlemen has happened. Barack Obama won the election and will take office as president. Their old, trite, hackneyed politics of envy and complaint will have no relevance in that kind of a world. Strange, how P. E. Obama's reality has moved toward the political center from candidate Obama's cuts, Robert Gates, Timothy Geithner, handgun ownership, etc.
Anonymous said...
"They will never move on. There will always be a Sharpton or a Jesse to keep racism alive. Why? It gives them power and it's a moneymaker."
Now here's a person that actually knows what's really going on! Excellent response!
And Quannah Parker, don't believe everything you read, only half of what you see, and none of what you hear!
Black people will be forced by society to move on or they will never be taken seriously as a political force, as professionals or as citizens of the U. S.
Damn, man, the picture still looks to me like a bunch of guys in dresses. Maybe I have deep seated transexual issues.
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