Teeth incorrect??

Are models not supposed to have teeth?? The contant use of bony models is a big attack on the natural looks of most people and now this. Will a gummy skeleton become the ideal to which women are supposed to conform? There is a very heavy involvement of male homosexuals in fashion and the abnormal-looking women that they promote certainly are consistent with them not liking women generally. The "teeth" flap, however, is the work of a female editor.
"Notorious US Vogue editor Anna Wintour and her team superimposed a picture of Sienna Miller's face onto another one of her body after complaining she was too "toothy" for their front cover, a new film reveals. The decision is documented in The September Issue, an 89-minute fly-on-the-wall exploration of life behind the scenes at Vogue, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival last week.
In it, director and producer RJ Cutler tracks the compilation of the magazine's biggest ever issue, which ended up weighing nearly two kilograms and selling 13 million copies.
According to British newspaper The Telegraph, editor-in-chief Wintour is shown complaining that actress Miller - their chosen cover girl - is too "toothy", while other magazine staff comment on the number of fillings she has.
Renowned Peruvian photographer Mario Testino took the shots but the magazine ending up using one shot of Miller's face and superimposing it on another taken of her body.
Who f---ing cares?
"The "teeth" flap, however, is the work of a female editor."
I've noticed a lot of female newscasters use "teeth flaps". Makes 'em look like they have just one giantic tooth on the top.
Hummmmm. I wonder what kind of sensation it imparts to a B.J.?
I think Anon-1's comment pretty much covers this story.
And yes, 95% of the fashion industry is controlled by gays, which is why there are so many unrealistic expectations of models. Generally speaking, gays avoid reality at all cost. Anyone who's seen a fashion show knows the clothes have no connection to the real world, yet far too many women will kill themselves, both physically and financially, to get into them! Sad.
Another sad thing, in fact, many see it as an abuse of women, are these so-called fashion magazines which do nothing but push women further away from reality. We've all seen them at the supermarket check-out counter. "(IMPROVE YOUR SEX LIFE IN 15 MINUTES! LOSE 50 LBS BY TOMORROW!, etc.)
The fashion industry is one of the major reasons so many women seem incapable and/or unwilling to deal with the realities of life. They all want to be that girl on the cover, when in fact, that girl doesn't exist!
Anonymous said...
"Wow - now homosexuals are blamed for distorting the female body-shape."
No, just distorting reality.
Anyone who thinks that Anna Wintour and Vogue have any connection whatsoever to reality has another think coming.
Not quite sure why this story is even mentioned here.
Not quite sure why this story is even mentioned here.
Jon's got a roarin', blue steel, whiskey hard-on for the love that dare not speak it's name.
Anonymous said...
"Poor women! The helpless victims of men - both straight AND gay! Why did they ever get the vote and equal rights if they never had a mind of their own?!"
Mostly to keep them quiet, but we all know that didn't work! If only the poor little victims were able to think, they would realize that no one abuses women more than, other women!
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