Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Economist Krugman calls small government philosophies "racist"

We read:
"Paul Krugman of the New York Times made a claim today that should have many both outraged and confused. Through twists of logic that only a recent Nobel Prize winner could muster, Mr. Krugman tries to make us believe that advocates of small government are racist.

How does Krugman attempt to do this? First, he points to the G.O.P., as though Republicans are the vanguard of small government. He claims that, `Forty years ago the G.O.P. decided, in effect, to make itself the party of racial backlash.'"



Anonymous said...

And the Times continues to hemorage money....

Anonymous said...

Are all nobel prize winners fools lately?

Anonymous said...

Are all nobel prize winners fools lately?


Look at Jimmy Carter. He got the peace Prize and there is No peace in the Middle East!

Proves one thing, you can be book smart but still be a complete social moron with no common sense!

Anonymous said...


The only reason Jimmy Carter became president was cause he was a failure at growing peanuts!

Anonymous said...

OK. Let's look at some facts. Eighty percent (80%) of abortion clinics are in urban areas populated mostly by blacks. Three times as many black babies are killed by abortion than other races combined. Finally, which party is the one that has as its major platform abortion (including before birth, during birth and after birth)? So one can conclude that the policy of the Democrat party is to kill off black children. And blacks voted 99% for this party? What am I missing??

Anonymous said...

Comrade Krugman's remarks simply prove, once again, how truly irrelevant the Nobel Prize has become.

Anonymous said...

The guy's got a Nobel Prize and probably more money than God. He really needs to move to a deserted island and leave the rest of us alone.

Anonymous said...

Didn't they give Arafat a Nobel prize? I think I lost all respect for the prize the day that happened.

Anonymous said...

An analyst I've followed for years had a great quote:

"The information has to stand on its own validity, not on who gives the information."

So yes, I would claim with a straight face that I am smarter than a lot of Nobel prize winners in various fields of knowledge. Especially outside their fields of expertise and in mine. I think most if not all of us could make similar claims.

Anonymous said...

Al Gore got a Nobel Prize for his propaganda piece on the global warming farce. Nuf said.

Anonymous said...

"Then he explains that a small government policy was the way for Republicans to feed this racist agenda.

Since when has the Republican Party stood for small government? The federal bureaucracy is more intrusive in our lives by several orders of magnitude at the end of President Bush's two terms than it was at the beginning.