Saturday, January 10, 2009

British atheist adverts reported to industry watchdog

We read:
"An atheist advertising campaign with the slogan "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life" has been reported to the Advertising Standards Authority. The advert is to be carried on 800 buses in England, Scotland and Wales, and on the London Underground, in a four-week campaign costing 140,000 pounds that has been supported by the British Humanist Association and the atheist scientist Richard Dawkins.

Stephen Green, the national director of Christian Voice, said that the advertisements broke the ASA's codes on substantiation and truthfulness. "It is given as a statement of fact and that means it must be capable of substantiation if it is not to break the rules. There is plenty of evidence for God, from people's personal experience, to the complexity, interdependence, beauty and design of the natural world."

The authority's code states that "marketers must hold documentary evidence to prove all claims, whether direct or implied, that are capable of objective substantiation".


It seems that the atheists are being asked to prove a negative, which you can't do. I doubt that the ASA will require that.

Rather sad that both Christians (in Britain) and atheists (in Australia) go to various tribunals to force their viewpoints on others.


Anonymous said...

This is a very slippery slope. While I believe in the God of the Bible and I can give evidence supporting my belief, until He physically manifests Himself, I can't prove His existence just like the atheists can't prove his non-existence.

Anonymous said...

Well, the signs are in poor taste like that sign in Washington, it is one thing to hold a belief, it is another thing to shove it in people's faces and be rude to such a degree. Yes, people have freedom of speech, but with freedom comes responsibility.

Anonymous said...

That's a good point assuming you're a rational person. Actually, to far too many people, freedom means free to be irresponsible.

Anonymous said...

Anon1 - While I agree to not shove ones beliefs upon another, what is it htat you call all the signs, billboards, bumper stickers, TV commercials and just general chat that the Christians, Catholics, and the rest do EVEWRY SINGLE DAY? The is nothing rude in the signs on the buses, no worse than any of the religious signs anyways. So get off your high horse and look for equality, these people have just as much right to not believe as you do to believe.

Anonymous said...

The sign may be in poor taste (to believers), but the non-believers have a right to say there isn't a God. God gave us free will, that is to choose whether or not to believe in Him. If you believe in Him, the signs should be a head-shaking matter, but nothing to ban. Maybe it will prompt more believers to go out and witness to others to counter-act the non-believers signs.

Anonymous said...

Christians don't want any competition and have had their own way for far too long!

Anonymous said...

The christians are not the one's you need to be afrade off. They won't be blowing things up. Guess who will be , based on the resent past , thats who we should be very afrade

Anonymous said...

Dear anon, Calling Maverick an idiot is not called for.

I happen to believe his opinion is correct.

If people, who's beliefs are not yours, want to spent money to advertise them. So be it.

It's like condemning a telly programme because you don't agree with the content.

If you don't agree..SWITCH OFF!

Anonymous said...

I don't see why the signs are "in poor taste". If a corresponding sign said "There is a God - go to church on Sunday", would that be considered in poor taste by most people?
Doug is correct, one cannot "prove" the existence of God or any god. If that were so what does "faith" mean in the religious context.

Anonymous said...

While I am a person of faith I find no problem with the posters and don't really consider them offensive.
As for the 'truthfulness' of the signs - I certainly didn't read them as statements of fact but as statements of belief or opinion. So long as those are reasonably held - no problems.

Anonymous said...

You stated the athiests were asked to prove a negative which is impossible. Exactly, why would you take a position that is impossible to defend.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Maerick, I am not on a high horse, I think people should keep opinions like that as personal, much like yourself, your an idiot, but your allowed to post on here.

You are too, this post just proves it, it is ok for you to post your personal beliefs out for everyone, but not anyone with differant beliefs. Want to call people idiots, look in the mirror first, you haven't even the bravery touse a name on here. You seem to be as bad as the Liberals you are trying to effect here by CENSORING those who do not believe what you do.