Actress Vanessa Redgrave -- one of the far-Left Redgrave family -- has recently condemned the cancellation of a play about the charming anti-Israel demonstrator, Rachel Corrie (pictured above). Although the decision to cancel the play was a private one, she sees the cancellation as an attack on free speech. She could possibly make a case for that but look at what she says about it:
"...there's many more people want the freedom to communicate, as long as it's not blasphemous and destructive in a rotten way of other people, in other words, racist. I mean, those cartoons, for instance, that have shocked us all were racist. They were fascist in character, the cartoons of the Prophet with a bomb on his head..."
So it's the usual Leftist "Free speech for me but not for thee". Anything the Left disagree with is "racist" or "fascist" of course. Look at how often the centre-Right President Bush is called a "Nazi".
And as for the Danish cartoons being "Fascist", the only Fascist thing about them was the Islamic Fascism they depicted. To the nutty Left, blowing people up with bombs is not Fascist but a mere cartoon is!
(Pictures from LGF)