The global warming theory has caused an absolute shower of research money to fall down upon the heads of atmospheric scientists -- people who once got little funding. So few atmospheric scientists question the theory outright. It would kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
Even when they find something good about global warming they manage to make it sound bad. There is for instance a report here showing that warmer seas produce more fish. Anyone who likes fish dinners (as I do) would think that was excellent news. But the article in fact sounds very mournful. You have to look very closely at it to see the good news.
So the only scientists who often question the theory are Russian scientists (they don't get much in the way of research grants anyway) and retired scientists (their research grant days are over).
So what happens when somebody gathers some data that throw the theory into a cocked hat? The report gets censored. A Russian scientist presented some findings that were reported here: on a respectable Western physics site. The title of the article was: "Greenhouse theory smashed by biggest stone". But the article was up for only a matter of hours before it was taken down. And if you do a Google search or an MSN search you will find no copy of the story anywhere on the net. The censorship was thorough.
But not thorough enough. One of the naughty boys (they ignore copyright) at "Free Republic" copied the story and reposted it just in time. See here. Happy reading!
Free Republic is another of the sites that Google seems to censor -- perhaps for legal reasons. I will however take a risk and repost the article on "Greenie Watch" tomorrow.
Elderly Christian Couple Strike Back

Britain -- A further episode in a story I mentioned in late December last year:
"A retired couple questioned by police after they wrote to their local council challenging what the saw as a pro-gay stance are suing the force and council. Joe Roberts, 73, and wife Helen, 68, of Fleetwood, Lancs, were reported by Wyre Borough Council who said they showed "potentially homophobic attitudes." The devout Christians are suing Lancashire Police and the council for breach of their human rights".
I don't know what particular "human rights" they are relying on but there is a lot of EU human rights law that is applicable in Britain. I would be delighted to see such law used to squash official British homophilia. I think governments should be neither for nor against homosexuality. It is a totally private matter and so should debate about it be. But official Britain seems to positively preach homosexuality.
I can however foresee that some Asian governments (e.g. Singapore) will in the future make official attempts to discourage homosexuality as part of their efforts to prevent population decline.
Actually, there has always been institutionalized homosexuality in Britain. It used to be said of Britain's great single-sex private schools (which the British call Public Schools) that "homosexuality was not so much tolerated as compulsory". But most of the boys concerned grew up to have normal marriages so indoctrination may not matter much.
Some Really Offensive Cartoons
A lot of people thought that the Muslims were over-sensitive to get as upset as they apparently did over the Mohammed cartoons. If you want to see some REALLY offensive cartoons, have a look at some Korean cartoons about the Japanese. Because Japan conquered and controlled Korea for many years (up to 1945), Koreans hate the Japanese.
An amusing story about that: When the Koreans decided that they wanted some high speed trains, did they import the famous Japanese "Shinkansen" trains from virtually next-door? No. They imported them from FRANCE -- half a world away!