Friday, March 03, 2006

Has Anybody Asked the Women?

As far as I know, women do NOT like men in their bathrooms. I can guarantee you that at least 99% of women would say that such a thing would make them feel "uncomfortable". And making anybody feel "uncomfortable" is one of the great sins of this politically correct age. Even using the word "niggardly" has made some people feel so "uncomfortable" that the person using the word has lost their job over it.

But it seems to matter a lot what it is that makes you feel "uncomfortable". We read here that a guy dressed as a woman MUST be allowed to use women's bathrooms. Why? Because he has been "in transition" to becoming a female for ten years. Sounds like a handy excuse for a pervert to me.

But how come nobody even took an interest in what the women users of the facility wanted? Looks like one "transgender" person is way more important than a whole heap of women. If Harvard President Larry Summers had been a "transgender" person, he would probably still have his job.

Colleges Welcome Economically Diverse Student Body

I love it! Another fun headline above -- taken from an article in the news circular of the elite Smith College of Massachusetts. No longer do we have "the poor". Now they are "economically diverse". For what it's worth the first paragraph of the article reads:

"In recent years, elite institutions across the nation have implemented new programs to attract lower income applicants to their student bodies. These efforts are continuing for future classes. At such colleges as Harvard, West Point and Smith, changes in policy and active programs are being used to achieve this goal."

I would have thought that millionaires were economically diverse too but that does not seem to be whom they are aiming at -- ostensibly anyway.

I think it is also amusing that they are grumbling about how their "economically diverse" students are causing their courses to be downgraded in rankings of colleges. The idea that some people might be poor for a good reason is of course totally unthinkable to them. It is all "discrimination" etc.

American University not Allowed to Display Cartoons

A Republican student group at UCI put on a public meeting to discuss the Mohammed cartoons and in the course of the discussion three of the cartoons were displayed. This rapidly led to a semi-riot by Muslim students present. Here is how one of the Muslims explained it:

"Osman Umarji, former president of the Muslim Student Union, equated the decision by the student panel to display the prophet drawings to the debasement of Jews in Germany before the Holocaust".


Yeah! Those Republican students really are dangerous guys. Look how many people they have beheaded already!