I personally do not like blonde jokes and never make them. The fact that my blonde wife gave me a very brainy blond son may have something to do with that. But jokes are jokes and people can make whatever jokes they like as far as I am concerned. But the inconsistency of allowing jokes about some groups but not about others has always bothered me. And it seems that I am not the only one. A racist group in Norway has made an official protest about a blonde joke appearing in a Norwegian newspaper. Translation:
"The Nazi organization Vigrid has charged Telemarksavisa with racism against Nordic blondes, because the paper printed a blonde joke. "A representative for the Nazi organization Vigrid has 'reported' TA [Telemarksavisa] to the Professional Press Association [PFU] for a blonde joke, and demands that the paper is fined six million kroner, writes TA. In the letter to the PFU Vigrid also demands that TA is forced to print a public apology to Nordic women and to promise that such race hate will not be repeated... "In effect, we are extending the definition of racial hatred and the devaluing of the individual to the most wounded part of our people. Namely our young, Nordic appearing teenage girls," writes Vigrid in the letter to the PFU. Vigrid's representative points out that since TA does not consider it acceptable to joke about Muslims, Jews or blacks, they should not be allowed to joke about girls with light hair or other colour characteristics of the "white race".
Regardless of the people making the complaint, the complaint itself seems fair to me. What's sauce for the goose should be sauce for the gander. Either allow all ethnic jokes or none. I of course favour allowing ALL jokes.