Thursday, September 12, 2019

It’s Now “Incendiary” To Say There Are Two Genders

Republican Congressman Ralph Abraham of Louisiana is running for Governor in his state and his team recently released their first television ad. If Abraham was looking to get the left up in arms, he certainly succeeded. Take a look at the list below and see if you can guess which of the truths he’s promising to speak has liberals setting their hair on fire

Here’s the full list:

“Here’s the truth. Life begins at conception. Government is too big. Our taxes are too high. And our car insurance is too expensive. President Trump is doing a great job. Facts matter more than feelings. The Second Amendment is self-explanatory. And as a doctor, I can assure you there are only two genders.”

If you guessed it was the last one, saying that there are only two genders, give yourself a cookie. Of course, as a medical doctor, Abraham probably knows a thing or two about the subject.

As you might expect, this prompted an immediate reaction

MSNBC anchor Chris Jansing addressed this topic during a panel discussion about the GOP’s relationship with women and the LGBT community. (Specifically, a national LGBT group, the Log Cabin Republicans, had just endorsed Trump for a second term.)

An indignant Jansing told viewers she found Abraham’s remarks to be “incendiary.” Here’s what she had to say.

We’ve got an important question now. What does it mean to be a mainstream Republican? It is the question that some Republicans have been asking in the age of Donald Trump, and increasingly, it seems the answer might be to make incendiary comments about women and members of the LGBT community.

So it’s apparently now simply gospel at MSNBC to say that a medical doctor stating the human race is composed of two genders by design is “incendiary” rhetoric. Of course, for the entire history of the human race, there have been two genders (with the thankfully rare exceptions of intersex people born with anomalous chromosomal structures). It’s how we reproduce. This really isn’t rocket science.



Anonymous said...

There are only TWO genders, that's the way it's ALWAYS been since sexual reproduction came to be.

There may be more "gender identities" but those are mental and emotional constructs but not physical or biological realities.

Anonymous said...

Intersex is not a third gender.
Anomalous chromosomes or ambiguous genitalia do not create a new sex.
They simply make a person more difficult to classify.
We live in a strange world where speaking simple truth - truth that was considered uncontroversial until 5 minutes ago - is incendiary.