Friday, September 20, 2019

Fitness instructor claims obese people SHOULD be fat-shamed because it encourages them to 'keep their mouths shut and lose weight'

There's no mystery about how to lose weight. What is missing is the motivation.  And fat-shaming could provide that

Good Morning Britain viewers were left horrified as a guest on the programme argued obese people should be fat shamed because it encourages them to lose weight.

Danielle Levy, from Essex, clashed with actor Christopher Biggins on the breakfast show, as she exclaimed that 'being fat is bad'.

The fitness instructor argued that fat shaming would actually encourage people to lose weight, saying: 'The more we fat shame, the more people would keep their mouths shut and stop overeating.'

Viewers were left shocked by the segment, with many taking to Twitter to slam the fitness instructor for her argument.

One wrote: 'Definitely bullying. Fat people know they're fat, they don't need a reminder in the form of a derogatory remark. People will lose weight when they are ready to, positive help is needed.'

Another commented: 'Not all fat people overeat. Some have conditions that make them big. Don't tar everyone with the same brush.'

Danielle appeared on the programme alongside actor Christopher Biggins, who argued that fat shaming is hurtful and cruel.



Bird of Paradise said...

A Fitness instructor so skinny they have to run around in the shower in order to get wet so small they have to tie them self in the shower to keep from going down the drain and so short they can pole vault with a Toothpick

Stan B said...

Well, shaming supposedly doesn't work. I saw a well spoken, successful, intelligent, educated youtuber tell me that. He said we need to work on providing food choices and education to people who are fat. Yeah....a well educated, successful person who's FAT said shame isn't the answer, education and choices are.....

The thing is, this is like any other condition we don't want to take personal responsibility for. Until we decide that we're going to do something about it, nothing is going to happen. My excess weight isn't gong to drop off just because I wish it would.

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