Sunday, January 14, 2018

Trump uses street language to describe undesirable  countries

Countries like Haiti are notorious for high rates of poverty and high rates of crime but under political correctness you are supposed to be polite about that if you mention it at all.  Trump, however is not good at euphemistic language and gained power by deploring political correctness

It has been suggested that this episode might GAIN Trump votes as many others would agree with what he said

I note that the word "shithole" has suddenly leapt into frequent use on Twitter and elsewhere

Washington: US President Donald Trump acknowledged on Friday that he used "tough" language during a meeting on efforts toward a bipartisan immigration deal, but appeared to deny using the term "shithole" to refer to some countries.

"The language used by me at the DACA meeting was tough, but this was not the language used. What was really tough was the outlandish proposal made - a big setback for DACA!" Trump wrote on Twitter.

Democrat senator Dick Durbin confirms the US president did describe immigrants from Africa and Haiti as coming from 'shithole' countries.

However, moments after the tweet, Democract senator Dick Durbin, who was in the bipartisan meeting, confirmed that the president had used the word when the conversation turned to immigration from African nations.

He said Trump began "calling the nations they come from shitholes - the exact word used by the president, not just once, repeatedly. That was the nature of this conversation."

Spokespeople for the White House did not immediately respond to a request for clarification. The White House had not denied that Trump used the vulgarity when it was first reported by The Washington Post and later confirmed by numerous other news outlets.

The president had grown frustrated with legislators on Thursday in the Oval Office when they discussed protecting immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and African countries as part of a bipartisan immigration deal, according to several people briefed on the meeting.

"Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?" Trump had said, according to these people, referring to countries mentioned by the legislators.

A White House official said Trump had also suggested he would be open to more immigrants from Asian countries because he felt that they help the United States economically.



Anonymous said...

I agree with Trump !

Use the Name, Luke said...

Everyone else from that meeting says that Trump did not use that term. Furthermore, this isn't the first time that Durbin has made false claims about what was said during a meeting.

Anonymous said...

A false narrative expressing a true situation. Let Durbin or any of the ever so offended yappers go live in one of these shitholes and let us know how they like it. Btw,that would require going native, not holing up in the "finest" accommodations available to well heeled foreigners.

Bird of Paradise said...

Its most likely the AP and the lie a day New York Pravda we all know by now their all Demac-Rat voters